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Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Study Support: (no sweat) pilates
Mindful Stretching
Mindful Stretching
Study Support: True Crime nights x doodling
Study Support: True Crime nights x doodling
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Study Support: (no sweat) pilates
Board Game Night!
LAN Party: Minecraft
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
🧋 Bubbles & Babbles 🧋
RECRUITING VERANO 2024 - Buscamos nuevos voluntarios
UvA Campus Dialogues lunch session #3
Objective Data? The Ways That Gender Bias Can Enter the Data Pipeline
Lustrum: Defending our values? With Minister of Defence Ollongren
ELS Language Cafe: Picnic Edition
Euphoria - The Veiled Affair
Lezing De Jong Marinelife
ELS Language Cafe: Picnic Edition
Euphoria - The Veiled Affair
Lezing De Jong Marinelife
UvA Campus Dialogues lunch session #3
Objective Data? The Ways That Gender Bias Can Enter the Data Pipeline
Guest lecture by Milio van de Kamp – Overcoming performance pressure
Lustrum: Defending our values? With Minister of Defence Ollongren
Historical Pub Crawl - IFA ACE
Rotterdam Student Orchestra (A Romantic Journey)
Summer Concert - ESK Rotterdam
DCA - Dutch Caribbean Association
ESN - Summer Cantus
RSM Entrepreneurship Challenge
🎉 Unlock Your Potential: Growth Hacking Your Summer! 🌞
Freshmen Weekend - Cedo Nulli
ECE - Speed Dating
The Hague - Beach Clean Up (ESN)
Sustainable Committees Clothing Swap
HonEUR - BBQ at Kralingse Plas!
BBQ - Boxing RSBV
ELS - Language Cafe
Summer Concert - ESK Rotterdam
Historical Pub Crawl - IFA ACE
DCA - Dutch Caribbean Association
ESN - Summer Cantus
Rotterdam Student Orchestra (A Romantic Journey)
Freshmen Weekend - Cedo Nulli
RSM Entrepreneurship Challenge
ECE - Speed Dating
🎉 Unlock Your Potential: Growth Hacking Your Summer! 🌞
The Hague - Beach Clean Up (ESN)
Sustainable Committees Clothing Swap
HonEUR - BBQ at Kralingse Plas!
ELS - Language Cafe
BBQ - Boxing RSBV
Busco alguien que me motive a no procrastinar
Avond voor Konijnen
Looking for food, culture and travel lovers!
Looking for a study buddy
Delft Fringe Festival
Delft Fringe Festival
Avond voor Konijnen
Looking for food, culture and travel lovers!
Looking for a study buddy
Busco alguien que me motive a no procrastinar
Encara no tens entrada per anar al Mallorca Live Festival?
Japanese Mini festival
Study Support: Colouring in Sessions
Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Repair Workshop: Sewing Machine masterclass
Study Support: Post-exam hangout
Drink & Draw: Shading edition
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Study Support: Colouring in Sessions
Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Repair Workshop: Sewing Machine masterclass
Study Support: Post-exam hangout
Japanese Mini festival
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Drink & Draw: Shading edition
Encara no tens entrada per anar al Mallorca Live Festival?
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
🚀 Supercharge your study skills for the upcoming exams with Gezondeboel!
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Casino Night
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Celebrating 10 Years of Maastricht goes Vegan
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Join our Vegan Dinner (10 euro incl. drink)
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
🚀 Supercharge your study skills for the upcoming exams with Gezondeboel!
Casino Night
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Celebrating 10 Years of Maastricht goes Vegan
Join our Vegan Dinner (10 euro incl. drink)
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Interview met Femke Halsema, Burgemeester van Amsterdam
Protests, Slogans and Free Speech on Campus
Existential Tuesday: Is society rigged against you?
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Student Associations

3D organises fun events on campus. Our 'Life is Better in 3D' group hosts events especially for VU students. Don't be shy to join! We are all friendly :-)
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3D Debate Center
3D is the debate centre of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Our events are about Diversity, Dialogue and Debate. Events are for the VU community, by the VU community. 3D is a hub for students, employees, study associations and other organisations to host programs and events in the context of Diversity, Dialogue and Debate. You will find 3D on the campus square, our entrance can be found in the plinth of the W&N building, opposite the glass container
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72 Hour VU Film Challenge
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A.S.V.Gay is the student association for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer students. With over 300 members, A.S.V.Gay is one of the larger social associations in Amsterdam and also the largest LGBTQ+ student association in the country. Every Wednesday our members get together at our weekly borrel. We sing, we dance and we toast! If you feel so inclined, our dedicated borrel buddies are there to introduce you to our association. Sign up via or the pink button in the bottom right corner and we'll see you soon. Get to know LGBTQ+ students in Amsterdam and have an unforgettable time as a student at A.S.V.Gay
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A2S3 - Amsterdam Association for Students in the Space Sector
Amsterdam Association for Students in Space Sector (A2S3). Student-organised association to bring the space sector to students in Amsterdam.
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AEGEE-Amsterdam is a student association with different aspects. It’s a joyful local student association with approximately 450 members, a weekly social drink, parties, a gala, barbecues, sports activities, cultural activities and more. AEGEE-Amsterdam does not carry out a hazing or traditional initiation ceremony and there is no obligated attendance of activities. Moreover, AEGEE is interesting for those who would like to explore more than Amsterdam and the Netherlands during their studies. AEGEE is represented in around 161 student cities in 40 different countries around Europe and has a network of 13.000 members. Our network is present in cities like Berlin, Copenhagen, Helsinki, Tartu, Odessa, Moscow and Tbilisi, but also in for instance Istanbul, Ljubljana, Rome, Las Palmas, Barcelona, Leuven and many other student cities you will find our association. In short: AEGEE is everywhere! All these locals organise conferences, thematic and social events and Summer Universities. Would you like to know more about these activities, scroll down to ‘European activities’. AEGEE-Amsterdam also organises many trips, such as hitchhiking competitions, a European members weekend and exchanges.
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ASGV SHANKY - Amsterdamse Studenten Golf Vereniging
Every Monday and Tuesday at 20.00 we practice at De Hoge Dijk together guided by our professional Philip.
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Amsterdam Oase
Amsterdam Oase is a new cosy study café, organized by students and for students! You can work and study there for free. You can get free tea and free coffee (!). And there are several study-breaks that you can join. For example: we take a small walk a few times a day, and we have lunch together. We're open every Thursday from 10u-17u and we plan to open during other days too!
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Amsterdam Psychedelic Research Association (APRA)
APRA is an interdisciplinary, academic association for researchers and university students based in Amsterdam, focusing on substances and practices that show promise for therapy and scientific value, but that suffer an impaired research development because of their legal status or psychoactive effects. Most notably, this definition includes classical psychedelics (e.g. LSD, psilocybin), cannabis and MDMA. In practice, we aim to: - Provide information to students and researchers about developments in academic research on psychedelics through lectures, journal clubs, seminars. - Diminish unscientific stigma within academia and help normalize the status of education and research in this field. - Promote the start of a concerted, interdisciplinary research effort in this direction within the Amsterdam institutions. APRA does not encourage illegal drug use outside controlled research and medical contexts, and promotes all available harm-reduction strategies.
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Anatolia is een, in 1999 opgerichte en aan de Vrije Universiteit gevestigde, Turkse studentenvereniging. Naast VU-studenten kent Anatolia ook een groot ledenaantal buiten de VU. Onze leden wonen voornamelijk in de Randstad en volgen studies aan diverse faculteiten. Anatolia richt zich voornamelijk op culturele, sociale en educatieve activiteiten om op deze manier een bijdrage te leveren aan de ontwikkeling van studenten. U kunt hierbij onder meer denken aan lezingen, workshops, inhouse-dagen, reisjes en overige activiteiten met een sociaal/cultureel kenmerk. De gezamenlijke visie van studentenvereniging Anatolia is: ervoor zorgen dat haar leden in contact komen met studenten van diverse studies, van diverse Universiteiten en hogescholen en met allerlei bedrijven en organisaties. Hierdoor ontwikkelen de studenten zich op sociaal, cultureel en intellectueel vlak. Daarnaast kunnen ze makkelijker aan een kamer, stage en (bij)banen komen en wie wil, kan ook de eigen interesses ontplooien door als bestuurslid ervaring op te doen.
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Anguilla is dé studievereniging van de bachelor Gezondheid en Leven aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam Anguilla staat voor een leuke studententijd waarin zowel studeren als ontspannen centraal staan. Naast borrels en andere leuke activiteiten, organiseren wij ook om de twee maanden een studiegerelateerde activiteit, om te laten zien wat je verder kan doen met G&L. Leden krijgen 10-13% korting op boeken, ze hebben toegang tot de tentamendatabase en hebben de mogelijkheid om in één van de vele commissies of zelfs het bestuur te gaan! Daarnaast kunnen ze ook ontspannen in onze ledenkamer (U605), waar ze een lekker glaasje Cola, Fanta of een warme kop koffie of thee kunnen drinken. Voor meer informatie over Anguilla kun je terecht op de site: Voor verdere vragen kun je mailen naar of langskomen tijdens onze inloopspreekuren tijdens de pauze van 12:45 tot 13:30 uur in onze ledenkamer of bestuurskamer (T-601)
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Asian Borrel Club
ABC started as a small group of friends with the mission to meet more students located in and around Amsterdam, who are also interested in the Asian community. Since there was no big platform in Amsterdam for students like this, we created our own platform where you can network and befriend new people.
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Aureus is the Study Association for all students of the School of Business and Economics at “de Vrije Universiteit” in Amsterdam. With more than 6,500 members, Aureus is one of the largest and most active Study Associations in the Netherlands.
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Caring Universities
Caring Universities offers free online services to improve student’s mental wellbeing. Caring Universities is an initiative aimed at improving students’ mental health. The Mind-Health Check gives insight into the problems students face, so relevant e-health interventions can be developed and offered for free.
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Crime Does Pay
Crime Does Pay is the student association for all criminology students at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We organize activities for our members, such as lectures, get-togethers and trips.
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Boardsport: bij D.E.R.M. krijg je de mogelijkheid om door middel van lessen en ons eigen materiaal, jouw favoriete boardsport te beoefenen en te leren. Kan je er nog niets van maar wil je wel beginnen en beter worden? Dan ben je welkom om bij ons te werken aan jouw skills. Elk jaar gaan we op wintersport en hebben we twee surfreizen. We hebben een opslag in Zandvoort vol met surfplanken, en een aantal gratis passen bij Snowworld. Genoeg mogelijkheden dus om te boardsporten. Gezelligheid: elke donderdag borrelen wij met elkaar in de sociëteit van L.A.N.X. en gaan we tot de late uurtjes door. Daarnaast hebben we elk jaar een gala, liftweekend, Koningsboot en nog meer activiteiten die enorm gezellig zijn. D.E.R.M. weet legendarische feesten te hosten. De ultieme combinatie tussen sport en party. Toegankelijkheid: bij D.E.R.M. deelt iedereen een passie voor boardsporten en gezelligheid. Iedereen die dit met ons deelt verdient een plekje bij onze vereniging. Voor ons is het belangrijk dat je vrij bent om te bepalen waaraan je meedoet en iedereen diens autonomie bewaart. Ook is transparantie voor ons een belangrijke waarde. Iedereen kan meebeslissen over wat er binnen D.E.R.M. gebeurt, ofwel via een commissie, een team of bij een van onze Algemene Leden Vergaderingen (ALV). Ook staat veiligheid centraal binnen D.E.R.M. en wordt geen enkele vorm van intimidatie, discriminatie of ander overschrijdend gedrag getolereerd. Binnen de studentencultuur streven we ernaar een veilige plek te creëren die verbindend en inclusief is voor alle studenten
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Digi Juridica
Digi Juridica is the study association for students who are into law, tech & innovation. We are here to enrich the college years of the masterstudents in IP, Internet Law & ICT, Int. Technology Law en Int. Business Law van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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DéjàVU Festival
Op donderdag 16 juni wordt er van 17:00 tot 23:00 het vierde Déjà VU campusfestival georganiseerd. Er zullen acht podia zijn met muziek, spoken word, theater, Ted-talk achtige colleges en interviews. Daarnaast zal er tijdens dit festival ook een festivalmarkt georganiseerd worden waar studieverenigingen en studentorganisaties zich kunnen presenteren. Het festival is bedoeld voor VU studenten, alumni en medewerkers.
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E.S.V. Ichthus Amsterdam
Ichthus Amsterdam staat voor gezelligheid, hechte vriendschappen en samen God beter leren kennen, ieder op zijn eigen manier. Centraal in de vereniging staan de Bijbelstudies, maar er worden ook lezingen en verenigingsavonden georganiseerd. Daarnaast eten we iedere dinsdag gezamenlijk in De Ark, gaan we spontaan iets drinken in een Café of vieren we de verjaardag van een Ichthiaan. Zomaar een greep uit wat er bij Ichthus Amsterdam gebeurt. Van Katholiek tot Protestants tot Baptist, uit bijna elke stroming is er wel iemand lid bij Ichthus Amsterdam. Wil je meer van andere christenen leren en een plek hebben waar je in je studententijd kunt nadenken over het geloof en tegelijkertijd het ontzettend gezellig kunt hebben? Bij Ichthus Amsterdam kun je het hele jaar door lid worden. Twijfel dus niet langer en kom langs!
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ESN VU Amsterdam
Erasmus Student Network VU Amsterdam (ESN) is the international student association of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We aim to be a platform for intercultural awareness and learning by enabling international students to meet each other as well as local students. We do this by organising social and cultural activities and establishing links with relevant organisations for internationally-minded students. ESN VU Amsterdam is a non-profit association run by volunteers. Our association consists of approximately 30 students who commit themselves to a project or part-time basis. The association is managed by a board of seven members. They run ESN VU Amsterdam on a daily basis and can be found during office hours at the VU University StudentDOK room 0D-02 on Wednesdays and Fridays between 12.45 and 13.45. They also coordinate the three committees who organize the activities, facilitate the PR & marketing and commit to fundraising. Furthermore, ESN VU Amsterdam is also the place you go to for help and advice about your stay in Amsterdam. We can give you advice about the best bars and clubs, transportation, housing and all practical information you need
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Exchange Party
International student party in Amsterdam, Delft & Rotterdam
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FAM - Family of Academic Minds
Founded in 2018 and officially established in 2021, Family of Academic Minds is an inclusive student association that commits to creating a welcoming community for all students. Diversity and inclusion are our main ideals, on the basis of which our events are organized. Through educative events, partially in cooperation with our partners, we aim to broaden diversity and inclusion within academia and the workplace. Our recreational events strengthen the sense of togetherness among our members, consequently contributing to FAM’s goal to create a welcoming community for every student. Students can sign up at any given moment throughout the academic yea
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De Facultaire Studentenraad Tandheelkunde bestaat uit acht studenten tandheelkunde van het Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam (ACTA) die zich een jaar lang inzetten voor de studentenbelangen aan ACTA. Deze acht studenten worden jaarlijks verkozen door de studenten van ACTA tijdens de Studentenraadverkiezingen. Wij zetten ons in voor de studentenbelangen door dagelijks bezig te zijn met zaken die de studenten van ACTA aangaan. Je kunt hierbij denken aan klachten van studenten behandelen, het organiseren van de Onderwijsdialogen en het oplossen van problemen rondom roosters en faciliteiten op ACTA. Daarnaast worden wij bijgestaan door een Ambtelijk Secretaris
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FSR Bèta - Science
As the Faculty Student Council (FSR) we are the representation of the students of the Faculty of Science. We are the employee participation body for students within the Faculty and we are an important part of the decision making and the advisory within the faculty.
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FSR FGB - Behavioural and Movement Sciences
The student council represents the interests of all students of the Behavioural and Movement Sciences faculty at the VU. Our team includes 7 students from different studies of the faculty: Niels Houtkamp, Kerem Ozel, Floris Kolner, Lucinda de Graaf, Kjell Bottema, Alina Kaiser and Hà Diệu My. We transfer students’ ideas, concerns and interests to the faculty board and teachers. Your input is crucial to us because we can make your voice count. So please don’t hesitate to contact us! We have our own room in the Medical Faculty Building on the sixth floor (room MF-D658). If you want to share something with us or have a cup of tea/coffee, just swing by!
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FSR FGW - Humanities
All students of the Faculty of Humanities are represented by the Faculty Student Council (FSR). The FSR is included in relevant decisions by the Faculty Board and the establishment of (faculty) regulations, where the FSR’s task is to take account of the students’ needs. Every six weeks, the FSR convenes with the Faculty Board and the participation body of the employees of the faculty. In this joint assembly, the FSR has the right to give advice, the right to initiative and/or the right of consent. By means of these rights, the FSR has the ability to prevent decisions that would impact students negatively, as well as bring problems to the fore that require the Faculty Board’s attention. The most important document the FSR has a say in is the Teaching and Examination Regulation (OER), in which the rights and duties of both the student and the faculty regarding teaching and examination are listed. Next to being the student participation body, the FSR is, most importantly, the contact point for all Humanities students (Bachelor and Master). Students are always welcome to approach the FSR with questions, suggestions or complaints. The more students come to the FSR with problems or questions, the better the council can represent them and tackle those problems. The FSR is a democratically elected participation body and the councillors are always elected by the students of the faculty at the end of every academic year.
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FSR FSW - Social Sciences
The FSS Student Council is the body for input of the Faculty of Social Sciences, representing all the 3000 students. The Student Council is in that way an important body of the faculty which can affect the faculty policy on behalf of all students. It is important for the Faculty Student Council that we target the interests and concerns of the students and give those concerns and interests a central place within the faculty policy. Qualitative education, a proper connection to the labour market, transparancy and cooperation are our cornerstones for the faculty policy. The FSC has to work together with other parties like the Faculty Board to improve the quality of education.
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FSR Geneeskunde
De Facultaire Studentenraad Geneeskunde VU is hét medezeggenschapsorgaan voor studenten die geneeskunde studeren aan de VU. De SR is de officiële belangenbehartiger van alle medische studenten en onderscheidt zich van de andere studentenorganisaties door de rechten en inspraak die zij heeft. Zo heeft de Studenteraad bijvoorbeeld instemmingsrecht op het Onderwijs Examenregelement (OER)! Ook hebben wij adviesrecht en hiermee kunnen wij zowel gevraagd als ongevraagd advies geven op het onderwijsbeleid en de begroting van de geneeskundeopleiding. Heb je vragen over het werk van de Studentenraad? Over je studie? Of heb je misschien goede ideeën ter verbetering van ons onderwijs? Stuur ons dan een mail of kom langs in de Medische Faculteit van de VU! Je vindt ons in het ziekenhuis in ZH-0B15!
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FSR Rechtsgeleerdheid
De FSR Rechtsgeleerdheid bestaat uit zeven jaarlijks gekozen leden die opkomen voor de academische belangen van studenten in de breedst mogelijke zin.
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Faculty Association EOS
EOS is the association of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. The faculty association is named after Eos, the goddess of dawn, and was founded on August 27, 1996. On that particular day, the merger of Mundus (association Political Science) and Com Laude (association Communication Science) was a fact. A new beginning, a new day, a new dawn. Meanwhile, with 1400 members, EOS has grown into one of the largest and most active associations of the VU and the Netherlands. Currently the XXVth board of the association is seated and in the past 25 years the association has developed strongly in all areas. As a faculty association, EOS does not represent one particular study, but is there for all studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences. This includes the bachelor studies of Administration and Organization Science, Communication Science, Sociology, Political Science and Cultural Anthropology & Developmental Sociology. In addition, EOS represents legions of pre-master and master studies.
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Bij de start van een studie, gaat er een nieuwe wereld voor je open. Eigen verantwoordelijkheid, een andere vorm van studeren en wellicht een nieuwe leefomgeving. De studie tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde zijn daarbij vrij bijzondere studies: de combinatie van theorie (wetenschap) en praktijk vragen veel van een student, gedurende 6 jaar (tandheelkunde) of 4 jaar (mondzorgkunde) lang. De studies bevatten veel contacturen met je medestudent en andere mensen rondom de studie. Deze mensen zullen in je nabije toekomst dan ook een belangrijke rol gaan spelen. Gedurende de studie zul je ook merken dat wanneer je in aanraking komt met patiënten, je zogenaamde "social skills" nodig hebt. Die kun je niet leren uit een boek, maar gelukkig wel ontwikkelen. Om al deze nieuwe ervaringen een plek te geven, je 'social skills' te praktiseren en om je te begeleiden naast je studie is op 6 mei 1969 de tandheelkundige studievereniging Favervuta opgericht. Deze studievereniging waarborgt de gezelligheid voor menig tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde student, studerend aan het Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam, ofwel ACTA. Al decennia lang organiseren leden van deze gezellige vereniging activiteiten voor hun medestudenten. Ook kom je via Favervuta in contact met nieuwe ontwikkelingen en technieken binnen de tandheelkunde en mondzorgkunde door de vele symposia die georganiseerd worden. Favervuta is een grote en heel gezellige vereniging die zijn leden ook vakkennis kan bijbrengen.
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Financial Study association Amsterdam
The Financial Study association Amsterdam (FSA) wants you to meet your future employer. We support students in making the step from university to the labor market. The FSA informs students about job opportunities via various online channels, but primarily and more importantly we facilitate face to face contact between students and employers. The FSA hosts a total of 21 events for its students. We focus our services on students with an affinity for finance, business, accountancy, consultancy or economics.
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Frisse Gedachtes
Frisse Gedachtes is a student movement that aims to improve student well-being. It does that by offering three free services. Firstly, a chat platform where students can chat anonymously with psychology students and experts by experience. Secondly, the option to be randomly matched to a fellow student in order to be able to go for a walk together. Third, events to make student welfare more open to discussion.
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GeoVUsie is the study association for students of Earth Sciences and Earth, Economics and Sustainability at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. The association was established in 1980 as a merged association from the ashes of the G.V.V.U. (Geological Association Vrije Universiteit) and Varenius (Physical Geographers Association) and has since then grown to be an active association with almost 600 members. GeoVUsie has set several important goals. The most important ones are to stimulate a good orientation within trade and industry and to increase social cohesion among the students. To accomplish this the board, with its many committees, organizes a broad variety of activities. Examples of this would be study related activities like lectures, excursions and the two yearly Earth Sciences and Career Event; but also less substantive activities like sport activities, social drinks and festivities. Besides this students can always come by for all of their books and field work materials, which we are able to offer for a competitive price for our members. Room F-045 in the W&N-building is the Students Room of GeoVUsie, also known as the ‘Houtzagerij in den Koele Blonde’. Here you can enjoy your lunch, have a cup of coffee, take some time off or join us for our weekly social drink. The social drink named the ‘Donderdorst’ takes place on every thursday from 17:00 onwards. Here you can enjoy an exquisite Brand draft beer with your teachers and fellow students.
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Do you want to work on your mental health in an approachable way? Or would you like to improve certain study skills? Then follow an online program of Gezondeboel! All our programs are designed in cooperation with experts in the field and experts by experience. Students at Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TU Delft, and Tilburg University have free access to a large number of programs via the attached link. Don't hesitate and start building a resilient future today.
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Green Office
Since 2014 the Green Office VU has been the sustainability platform at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A university is a place where students acquire new knowledge and experiences, but also where new habits are made. Therefore, universities should act as drivers of sustainability and create a cultural change; a green movement. VISION By 2025 the Vrije Universiteit will hold a solid leading position as the most sustainable University in The Netherlands and the Green Office VU will play a pivotal role as its main sustainability platform and think tank, achieving a permanent advisory role in all sustainability-related decisions as the voice of the VU Community. MISSION The mission of the Green Office VU is to make a substantial and sustainable impact by influencing and working together with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, its community and partners.
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Gyrinus natans
Gyrinus natans is the faculty association of the studies Biology and Biomedical Sciences at the Faculty of Science of the VU University in Amsterdam. Gyrinus natans is not only available for Bachelor students, but co-workers of the faculty and Master students are also more than welcome. Counting more than 1400 members, Gyrinus is part of one of the biggest faculty associations of the VU. We’re hosting activities for students and co-workers, made possible by students and co-workers. In the W&N building we have our member room (P-022), where you can hang out during the day. On top of that, every Wednesday and Friday we host a borrel from 17:00 - 22:00 in our own social gathering room ‘De Tegenstelling’ located in the WN-building as well (D-103). Want to learn more? Check out our site: or find us on Facebook or Instagram: Gyrinus natans!
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IFMSA-VU richt zich op de projecten genoemd op deze pagina, professionele ontwikkeling van vrijwilligers en een nauwe samenwerking met sociale partners in de regio en het Amsterdam UMC.
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ISA - Islamitische Studentenvereniging Amsterdam
De roep van moslimstudenten die op zoek waren naar een vertegenwoordigend orgaan om hun belangen en behoeftes te vertalen naar concrete en haalbare doelstellingen, was al tientallen jaren duidelijk hoorbaar. Een groep studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam gaf daar gehoor aan: ISA werd op 24 september 2009 in het leven geroepen. Vandaar ook de knipoog in onze benaming naar de christelijke oorsprong van de VU: ‘Isa is het Arabische woord voor Jezus. Binnen enkele jaren zijn wij, zowel kwalitatief als kwantitatief, ongelooflijk snel gegroeid. Wij verzorgen niet enkel academische lezingen, maar behartigen ook de belangen van de (moslim)student door een proactieve rol te spelen in besluitvormingsprocessen op allerlei niveaus. Zowel onze islamitische identiteit als onze unieke visie op de rol van de (moslim)student onderscheiden ons van andere studentenverenigingen. Bovendien staat het behoud van een academische en religieuze insteek voorop en streven we ernaar de actualiteiten niet uit het oog te verliezen. Een groot pluspunt is onze culturele diversiteit waar we enorm trots op zijn! Afghaans, Albanees, Algerijns, Bosnisch, Dominicaans, Egyptisch, Ghanees, Guinéens, Hindoestaans, Indonesisch, Javaans, Jemenitisch, Libanees, Marokkaans, Nederlands, Pakistaans, Palestijns, Somalisch, Spaans, Surinaams, Syrisch, Tunesisch en Turks. Allemaal verschillende achtergronden die onder onze (bestuurs)leden voorkomen. Wij zijn ervan overtuigd dat deze culturele verrijking een enorme aanwinst is binnen onze Ummah en waar een groot deel van onze kracht in verscholen ligt. Hiermee vormen wij de ideale ontmoetingsplek om een netwerk op te bouwen, door hoogopgeleide (moslim)studenten bijeen te brengen en hun ideeën met elkaar uit te wisselen, van elkaar te leren en elkaars expertises in te zetten. Onze vereniging is echter niet enkel toegankelijk voor of gericht op moslimstudenten, maar komt ook op voor de belangen van studenten in het algemeen, ongeacht religie. Als officieel erkende studentenvereniging op de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) en de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) doen wij dagelijks ons best om dit waar te maken!
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The study association Icarus is the community for all philosophy students of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Since more than 15 years we have been a safe place for all who want to connect with fellow students, have a good time together or engage in deep philosophical talks, discussing course content and beyond. Until summer 2020 we have also been the association for students of theology and religious studies who have been a valuable enhancement for us all those years. The lively and open atmosphere at Icarus has been successful in turning groups of students into a community of friends time and again over the course of our existence. We are determined to keep this spirit alive. Although, the corona crisis has made it much harder to come together in a safe way, we will remain close to each other, while keeping distance. As always we will remain open for everyone who wishes to build valuable connections during their study of philosophy.
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Are you looking for an internship? Is it part of your studies? Or do you want to gain work experience and are you wondering which organisation fits best with your preferences? Integrand is specialized in helping students to find their perfect internship. By internships we mean graduation internships, summer internships, but also working studentships! Our focus is on the mediation of internships, which means we will help you through the whole application process! We'll check your CV to see if anything can be improved, provide you with all the tips and tricks to write a convincing motivation letter, give feedback on your first draft and finally help you prepare for your first interview. Are you ready for the next step?
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KallioPPE brings Philosophy, Politics & Economics students at VU Amsterdam together!
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Kleine Hans
Kleine Hans is een vereniging met als doel de student meer inzicht te geven in de (ab)normale geestelijke ontwikkeling van de mens. Dit door middel van maandelijkse lezingen waarbij veel ruimte is voor discussie. Door de relatief kleine opzet is in gesprek raken met elkaar ook goed mogelijk. De doelgroep betreft de studenten die extra geïnteresseerd zijn in de kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie. Dit zijn voornamelijk studenten geneeskunde, psychologie, pedagogiek en studenten uit andere verwante studies. Wij behandelen gevarieerde, actuele en maatschappelijk relevante onderwerpen die in het reguliere onderwijs weinig tot niet aan bod komen. Enkele onderwerpen die wij o.a. behandeld hebben zijn: eetstoornissen, intergenerationeel trauma en auditieve hallucinaties. Meer behandelde en toekomstige onderwerpen staan in de agenda
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Kliché is a study association for students that study at the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam, officially doing the programs CIS, MKDA or L&S. However, everyone is welcome at Kliché, regardless of the program. Check out our website and find out what kinds of activities we (have) organize(d).
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Kraket is the study association for Econometrics and Operational Research at the VU. Kraket was founded on 14 July 1972 and the name Kraket stands for 'Critical Actuaries and Econometricians'. The vast majority of econometrics students are members of the association and there is every reason to do so. In our room (HG-8A-30) you can buy books, ask questions, work or just come by. On Monday we are open between 11.30 am and 5 pm. Tuesday until Friday we are open between 10 am and 5 pm.
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Lead Your Future
Wij zijn Lead Your Future: een community platform voor jonge, ambitieuze en talentvolle vrouwen. Wij geven workshops, masterclasses, business shakes en andere evenementen, die allemaal gericht zijn op de ontwikkeling van jong vrouwelijk talent. We are Lead Your Future: a community platform for young, ambitious and talented women. We organise workshops, masterclasses, business shakes and many more events which all focus on the development of young female talent.
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The MAA is a career association for third-year’s bachelor and (pre-)master students interested in consultancy, marketing, management and communication. We help you build the bridge between you and your success by joining one of our committees, attending our events, and connecting with our partners.
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De Medische Faculteitsvereniging VU medisch centrum is op 8 oktober 1951 opgericht voor geneeskunde studenten aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam. Met maar liefst vijfentwintig commissies, ongeveer 2500 leden en meer dan honderdvijftig actieve leden kan de MFVU veel bereiken. De commissies organiseren een breed scala aan activiteiten: van een gala tot een sportdag, van een buitenlandse reis tot een themafeest en van onderwijs gerelateerde workshops tot een zeilweekend. Ook heeft de MFVU haar eigen faculteitsblad, InVUus, en haar eigen jaarlijkse almanak. Daarnaast verzorgt de MFVU elk jaar een geweldige introductieweek voor nieuwe studenten, zodat zij hun studententijd goed kunnen beginnen. Naast het organiseren van de activiteiten zet de MFVU zich actief in voor het onderwijs binnen het Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, en de VU. Het MFVU-bestuur is vertegenwoordigd in het OFSO (Overleg Facultaire Studenten Organisaties) en het IMS (Interfacultair Medisch Studentenoverleg). Daarnaast organiseert de MFVU o.a. een studentenforum, de Witte Jassen Ceremonie (bacheloruitreiking) en een speeddate-de-specialist. De ledenkamer van de MFVU is dagelijks geopend van 11:00 tot 17:00. Hier is altijd koffie, thee, limonade en gezelligheid aanwezig. Tot slot heeft de MFVU ook een eigen boekwinkel in de kelder van de faculteit. De MFVU-boekwinkel zorgt voor de verkoop van boeken, samenvattingen en instrumenten. Lees hier alles over de boekwinkel.
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Studievereniging Mens is een jonge en bloeiende vereniging voor studenten Medische Natuurwetenschappen (MNW) en studenten van aansluitende masters. Mens ondersteunt studenten bij deze opleidingen door onder andere: - Verkoop van studieboeken - Organisatie van studiegerelateerde activiteiten zoals symposia, bedrijfsbezoeken en excursies - Bemiddelen van onderling contact van studenten door gezelligheidsactiviteiten zoals borrels, sportactiviteiten en lekkere lunches. - Voorzien in een verenigingsruimte waar studenten kunnen werken of relaxen onder het genot van een kopje koffie of een tosti. Zie hiervoor hieronder. - Het ondersteunen van eerstejaars door het mede organiseren van de introductieweek en het organiseren van een apart introductieweekend - Goed contact te onderhouden met de opleiding en de faculteit zodat ontwikkelingen rondom de studie MNW snel worden opgepikt. - Het aanbieden van extra ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden in commissies en bestuur Terugkerende activiteiten bij S.V. Mens zijn zeilweekend, bedrijfsbezoek, Mensation (groot feest), eindejaars BBQ, wintersport, excursies (zowel binnen als buiten Europa), stage informatiebijeenkomst, Propedeuse-in-1 jaar (P-in-1) uitreiking, introductieweekend, maandelijkse borrels en Algemene Ledenvergaderingen. Binnen S.V. Mens zijn er geen verplichtingen om ergens aan deel te nemen, maar kan de student zo veel of weinig doen als hij/zij zelf wilt. Zo kan de student zich nog meer ontwikkelen naast zijn studie en het maximale eruit halen.
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NEWConnective organizes activities on meaning, life questions, and religion at the VU. We bring people together from all backgrounds to discuss and reflect on these topics, in a relaxed and comfortable setting. Have you heard of our BYOB: the great prejudice dinner? It's all about underlining the consequences of our prejudices. We also give workshops for study associations and have conversations about loss in mourning groups. We make sure to send you home with plenty of new insights and a feeling of connection. On to the next important question.
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Neurodiverse Student Association
A community for all neurotypes to partake in activities and share their experiences.
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S.V.A.A. Nomen Non Magnum est (NoNoMes) is een bruisende studentenvereniging met haar sociëteit in hartje Amsterdam. Jaarlijks organiseert NoNoMes de leukste activiteiten! Denk aan de wekelijkse borrel op dinsdag, gala’s op de meest luxe locaties en onze jaarlijkse feestweek de Warmoesweek. NoNoMes heeft vijf dames- en vier herendisputen waarmee je samen eet, borrelt, studeert en misschien wel woont in Amsterdam. Met een lidmaatschap bij NoNoMes haal je alles uit je studentenleven!
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PPE in Person
A student-led initiative that aims to initiate and provide a safe space for critical discussion and personal reflection
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PULSE Racing
PULSE Racing was established to further develop functional electrical stimulation (FES) for people with a spinal cord injury. Having paraplegia causes various physical problems. In addition to being unable to walk and an overall restriction of mobility, people with paraplegia also face other issues such as disturbed blood circulation and a higher risk of pressure ulcers. This, of course, has negative consequences for the quality of life and personal well-being. Treatment with FES has a proven positive effect on the physical condition of people with paraplegia. The active movements initiated through FES have been shown to improve blood flow, reduce the occurrence of pressure ulcers and increase psychological well-being. The scientific underpinning of these beneficial effects have given us an incentive and encouraged us to participate in international FES Bike Race, like we did during the Cybathlon in 2020. With our participation, we aim to make FES more widely known and motivate more people to use FES. PULSE Racing – We stimulate to cycle
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Particolarte is a student association with a focus on art and culture. If you would like to express or develop your creativity, Particolarte is the place for you! Among other things we offer open mic nights at which our members can show their talents. We also manage committees which organise workshops for different kind of art forms, such as theatre and fine arts. Particolarte even develops a magazine on a monthly basis. For those who prefer to admire the talents of others, every month a cultural agenda is composed. This agenda consists of several visits to concerts, theatres, and museums. In short, Particolarte offers the perfect start to discover the cultural life of Amsterdam. However, of course, we do not always need a cultural purpose to have fun! Every Monday, we have a pub night for members in ‘de Krater’, a cosy bar located at Prinsengracht 181. Also, we organise different trips, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Particolarte is a student association without any hierarchy. There are no rules or obligations. Student members organise everything.
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QBDBD is the study association of the Faculty of Law at the VU University. We founded on the 14th of November 1892. We are 129 years old which makes us the oldest law association of the Netherlands. QBDBD stands for ‘Qui bene distinguit, bene docet’, which means ’Who distinguishes well, teaches well’. Among its members the association is better known as QBD. QBDBD momentarily counts 2200 members and tries to assist them in all the aspects of their study in law. A board of six law students runs the association accompanied by many active members. QBDBD’s main goal is to support all the students of the Faculty of Law at the VU University. QBDBD attempts to reach on a social, financial, educational and career-technical level what can’t be attained by law students of the Faculty of Law at the VU University separately.
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R.S.V.U. 'Okeanos'
R.S.V.U. ‘Okeanos’ is een Amsterdamse studentenroeivereniging die op 7 november 1957 ontstaan is uit het VUcorps. Bij Okeanos wordt altijd naar het hoogst haalbare gestreefd, zowel op roei- als op verenigingsniveau. De ambitie van de vereniging wordt uitgestraald door het steevast aanleveren van toproeiers aan de Nederlandse equipe op de Olympische Spelen. Meestal zijn deze topsporters hun carrière begonnen als eerstejaarswedstrijdroeier bij Okeanos. Naast het leveren van topprestaties op roeigebied kunnen leden van Okeanos hun ambities ontwikkelen binnen een groot aantal commissies, die de vereniging jaar in jaar uit naar een hoger niveau tillen. Okeanos organiseert elk jaar ook meerdere (roei-)wedstrijden en evenementen, waarbij de leden een belangrijke rol spelen. Bij Okeanos Amsterdam is de ideale mix van sport en plezier te vinden wat zorgt voor een onvergetelijke studententijd. Naast de ideale faciliteiten voor (top-)sport biedt Okeanos ook een bruisend verenigingsleven. Zo worden er wekelijks borrels en feesten georganiseerd op sociëteit, Villa Erevlot, welke gelegen is aan de Bosbaan, hét nationale roeiwater van Nederland. Okeanos telt 550 leden waardoor er een hechte band ontstaat tussen alle leden en jaarlagen. Door de grootte van de vereniging is er veel interactie tussen leden. Het maakt niet uit of ze als roeiend- of borrelend lid actief zijn binnen de vereniging, er is aandacht voor iedereen. Bij Okeanos is er aandacht voor de persoonlijke ontwikkeling van alle leden. Zowel voor roeiers en coaches als voor leden van een commissie, jaarclub of dispuut. De vereniging stimuleert iedereen het beste uit zichzelf te halen en biedt haar leden unieke kansen!
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Reclaim the Campus
You probably miss campus and your fellow students a lot. We get that! That's why we’re inviting you to VU Amsterdam from 5 to 8 July for Reclaim the Campus. And no, not online, but actually on campus. During this week, we’ll celebrate the fact that VU Amsterdam can open up further! We’ll be offering an inspiring programme for Bachelor's students that is focused on meeting each other, personal development and creativity. Together with other students, you’ll participate in challenging interactive workshops on a wide range of themes. We’ve listed them for you: cultural diversity, group dynamics, artificial intelligence and beauty, digitalization, personal storytelling, climate change, Black Lives Matter, EU choices and dilemmas. All workshops relate to the question: In what way would you claim and manifest the new ‘normal’ (campus) life? Related to the pandemic, the workshops invite all participants to create new habits, perspectives and rituals towards the opening of a new year in September. There will also be plenty of opportunities to chat with each other dover delicious coffee. You can also get to know student organisations and simply enjoy the campus!
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Rialto VU
In 1921, a long-cherished dream of Anton Pieter du Mee came true: he opened his own cinema on the Ceintuurbaan in the Amsterdam Pijp: Rialto. After years of planning and preparation, and exactly a century after the opening of Rialto, the next big dream is coming true: the opening of Rialto VU. Rialto VU is a brand new theater, located in a new building on the campus of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam at De Boelelaan 1111. With four state-of-the-art screening rooms, Rialto VU will not only contribute to the cultural life on the VU Campus, the arrival of Rialto VU also establishes a great cultural enrichment for local residents in Buitenveldert, the Zuidas and Amstelveen, among others.
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Right2Education is a student-led official NGO offering free Dutch and English classes to refugees/asylum seekers. We also have a buddy system and run regular social events for UvA/VU/AUC students and the R2E students.
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The study association for Business Analytics students and enthusiasts Business Analytics (BA) is a multidisciplinary programme at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. The study is aimed at solving quantitative business problems. The combination of mathematical, and information technological methods plays an important role in this program, with the ultimate goal to improve and optimize business processes. SABA was founded as the Study Association of Business Analytics in 2017 by a group of students. Since the study has such an unique character and the fields of business analytics and data science had expanded significantly, they saw the need for a new association. SABA is now the connection between students, university and companies.
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SIB Amsterdam
SIB Amsterdam, aka the Dutch United Nations Student Association, is recognised by the United Nations as an official UN student association. SIB was founded on 30th November 1947 and started as a movement that strived to create world peace. Since 1980, it functions as the student association that we know today. We have over 250 members, from diverse fields of study, but all share a common interest in international relations. We are a politically neutral association, and open to both Dutch and international students and young adults from 18 to 35 years old. As a member of SIB-Amsterdam, you'll get the opportunity to meet new likeminded friends and get unlimited access to all events as weekly drinks, monthly dinner parties, game and movie nights and travel up to four times a year abroad. Our members also have opportunities to go on monthly excursions to international oriented organisations, such as embassies, ministries, multinational companies and NGOs. Here you can ask all your questions to professionals and experts on international matters. And get a first peek at your dream career workspace...
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SKITS Amsterdam
SKITS IS DÉ AMSTERDAMSE STUDENTEN SCHAATS-, WIELER- EN SKEELERVERENIGING! Een vereniging waar sport en gezelligheid samenkomen! SKITSers houden van schaatsen en wielrennen, maar ook van een feestje. Oftewel, SKITS is de ideale vereniging voor sportieve studenten om andere studenten in Amsterdam te leren kennen. We trainen op ieder niveau, van beginner tot elite, en blijven graag hangen voor een drankje! SKITS telt zo’n 300 leden, die studeren in Amsterdam en omgeving. Net als haar leden is SKITS sportief, sociaal en slim!
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SPS-NIP is the place for and by psychology students who stands up for your interests and YOUR future!
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SRVU Studentenbond
The SRVU Student Union (SRVU) has been the student union of VU University Amsterdam (VU) since 1947. As the representative of the students at the VU, the SRVU is there for all students to stand up for their interests. In addition, providing services, ensuring the development of the VU and self-development of students are very important missions for the SRVU. The SRVU therefore stands for more than just studying.
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Studentenvereniging SSRA is opgericht in 1889 en is één van de vijf grootste studentenverenigingen van Amsterdam. We zijn een gemengde vereniging die ruim 400 leden telt, waardoor we groot genoeg zijn om je nooit te hoeven vervelen, maar waardoor we ook klein genoeg zijn zodat geen enkel lid wordt opgeslokt in de massa. Er is dan ook altijd wat te doen: je kan plaatsnemen in verschillende commissies waarin je onder andere feesten en activiteiten kan organiseren, je kan achter de bar staan, je kan koken voor de leden of je kan je kunsten als DJ of schrijver voor de almanak vertonen. Onze eigen sociëteit, vlakbij het Leidseplein, is onze thuisbasis waar we al onze feesten en activiteiten hebben. Zo voelt het al snel als thuis. Dineren met je dispuut, donderdagborrels – het is de wekelijkse gang van zaken. Elke dag heb je de kans om je medeleden te spreken onder het genot van een goudgeel biertje. Ga je studeren of word je student? Word lid bij SSRA!
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STAH Amsterdam
Studententurnvereniging Amsterdams Hachie is een hard groeiende vereniging waar met veel plezier, gezelligheid en succes geturnd wordt. Bij STAH kan je niet alleen werken aan je acrobatische skills, maar kan je ook sporten en socializen met leeftijdsgenoten. Naast hard trainen voor de studententurnwedstrijden maken wij tijd vrij voor borrels en andere leuke activiteiten!
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STORM is the study association of the departments Mathematics and Computer Science from the Faculty of Science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. STORM stands for STudent ORganisation Mathematicians, but is an association which has long been for more than just mathematics students.
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Salus is de studievereniging voor studenten Gezondheidswetenschappen aan de Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. ​ De naam heeft betrekking op de Romeinse godin van de welvaart, welzijn en volksgezondheid. ​ Salus staat garant voor een leuke en leerzame invulling van je studententijd. Studeren is niet alleen maar in de boeken zitten, het is ook een periode van zelfontwikkeling, binding met je medestudenten en studentactivisme. ​ De commissies van Salus organiseren gedurende het hele jaar een breed scala aan evenementen en uitjes. Hierbij moet gedacht worden aan de studiereis, Carrièredag, borrels, wintersportreis, feesten, cursussen, lezingen en workshops.
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Sociale Campus
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Studentendansvereniging AmsterDance
AmsterDance is the dance association for students in Amsterdam, a place to dance with fellow students and to combine sports and fun! We organise classes in various dance styles, with a focus primarily on partner dancing such as salsa and ballroom dancing. You can always join us to watch or dance along on an association evening on Wednesday or Sunday to meet AmsterDance.
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Students Talk About Yes
An activist team for the campaign at VU Amsterdam, one among many around the Netherlands. This campaign is raising awareness on consent when it comes to sex. Outdated laws, myths and gender stereotypes perpetuate rape in our society. The more education there is on consent, the lower the stigma around sex, and consequently, less rape cases.
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S.A. Subliem is the study association for bachelor’s and master’s students Science, Business & Innovation Becoming a member of a study association has many common benefits, such as discounted course books, a network that you can rely on and a space at VU where you can meet for a drink and a snack. Next to these benefits, S.A. Subliem organises and facilitates a wide variety of social, career-related and study-related activities to help make your studies easier, and especially to make the programme more fun.
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UAEM - Amsterdam
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines. Many important medicines and public health technologies are developed in academic laboratories. Their accessibility in poor nations is profoundly affected by the research, patenting and licensing decisions made by universities. We are a group of university students who believe that our universities have an opportunity and a responsibility to improve global access to public health goods. As a non-profit organization rooted in a global movement of university students, UAEM aims to (1) Promote access to medicines and medical innovations in low- and middle-income countries by changing norms and practices around academic patenting and licensing, supported by our own independent research, (2) Ensure that university medical research meets the needs of people worldwide and (3) Empower students to respond to the access and innovation crisis.
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NUTS is a student Ultimate Frisbee club based in Amsterdam, founded in 2005. We focus on mid-level mixed ultimate, high spirit and lots of fun! Make sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram page for updates, or send us an email at Want to join? Complete beginner, or already NUTS about Ultimate, we are always open for new members! Competitions & Tournaments NUTS plays in the Dutch competition and in many tournaments, both within the Netherlands and abroad. Socials Besides playing, NUTS also cares about the social aspect of Ultimate. We organize regular socials to get to know each other; this way, we have fun both on and off the field!
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All of your events, one app 📱 Browse through the student activities at your university, join groups of like-minded students, or take the initiative and organise your own events!
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All of your events, one app 📱 Browse through the student activities at your university, join groups of like-minded students, or take the initiative and organise your own events!
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University Library
The University Library is an inspiring meeting place for people and knowledge, with all information necessary for impact in science and society and all learning materials you need.
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University Student Council (USR)
The council is mainly engaged with the quality and accessibility of the education, and VU policy that affects students. The USR has many competencies: right of consent and advisory on fields of strategic policy, organization, governance, financial support for students and the Student Charter. In this way, we can ensure that the voice of the students shall always be represented within the organization. The council has Public USR meetings where students can join and give their opinion on documents the council has prepared for the USR-CvB meetings. The council also asks students for input in the Presidium (a meeting with all faculty councils) and the UVO (a meeting with boards of associations). Finally, students can give their input by mail, Facebook or Instagram. In addition, the council members try to influence the policy of the university in various ways by consulting with employees and by giving their independent advice. Members of the student council are also part of the Joint Assembly, in which the Works Council (OR) also participates. In this assembly, USR and OR discuss the university budget, annual report and strategic plan. Thus, the USR is always involved in the important decisions taken at the university.
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UvA-Orkest J.Pzn Sweelinck
The UvA Orchestra J.Pzn Sweelinck was founded in 1878, making it the oldest symphony orchestra in Amsterdam. It consists of approximately seventy enthusiastic students from Amsterdam universities and colleges as well as students from other cities. The orchestra rehearses every Thursday evening in the Singelkerk in the center of Amsterdam, after which there are drinks until the early hours. The orchestra offers students the opportunity to develop their musical talent at a high level and to give concerts at special locations at home and abroad, while also enjoying a lot of friendship and conviviality.
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In 1971 werd de Interfaculteit Lichamelijke Opvoeding opgericht. Op 18 oktober 1974 werd door studenten van de Interfaculteit een vergadering belegd, waarin besloten werd tot het oprichten van van de Studenten Organisatie van de Lichamelijke Opvoeding (S.O.L.O.). De naam ‘Interfaculteit Lichamelijke Opvoeding’ zorgde voor misverstanden over het type opleiding en studie, waardoor in 1987 werd gekozen de naam te veranderen in Faculteit der Bewegingswetenschappen. Aangezien de naam S.O.L.O. te veel connecties had met de oude naam van de faculteit is vanaf het studiejaar 1988/1989 besloten die naam te veranderen in Vereniging In Beweging (V.I.B.). Op dit moment kent deze studievereniging een Dagelijks Bestuur van vijf personen, elf vaste commissies, drie tot vier tijdelijke commissies en ongeveer zeshonderdvijfitg leden. Er mag dus gezegd worden dat de V.I.B. een bloeiende vereniging is. Met meer dan vijftig activiteiten op jaarbasis wordt er door de verschillende commissies alles aan gedaan om een zo gevarieerd en interessant mogelijk aanbod aan activiteiten te bieden. Educatieve activiteiten, borrels, feesten, sporttoernooien, het Gala, de Wintersport, Familiedag en VVV-dag; genoeg om de studenten Bewegingswetenschappen niet alleen bij hun studie te begeleiden, maar ook bij te dragen aan een onvergetelijke studententijd. De V.I.B. heeft een eigen kamer, waar het Dagelijks Bestuur vaak aanwezig is en er voor de leden ruimte is om gezellig een praatje te komen maken of even te ontspannen op een van de banken. De VIB-kamer, kamer D-048, is te vinden op de begane grond in de Medische Faculteit. Deze kamer is iedere werkdag van 11.00 uur tot 15.00 uur geopend, maar wanneer de deur op andere tijden open is, is iedereen natuurlijk ook van harte welkom om even binnen te lopen! Voor het nuttigen van een kopje koffie of thee ben je hier aan het goede adres. Meer informatie over onder andere het Dagelijks Bestuur, de verschillende commissies en de activiteiten kun je vinden op deze site. Wil je echter nog meer weten over de V.I.B., heb je vragen, opmerkingen, problemen, ideeën of kritische noten? Alles is welkom, dus kom dan gerust langs in de VIB-kamer of stuur een mail naar !
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The VCSVU (Association of Chemistry Students at the Vrije Universiteit) was founded on October 1, 1964. The association is there to make the study of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the VU as pleasant as possible. The VCSVU organizes many activities where both members and non-members can attend. We have lectures, excursions, fun activities such as the Christmas dinner and of course the drinks that are organized. In addition, the VCSVU organizes a book sale every new period. During this book sale, members receive a hefty discount on the study books. Moreover, you can obtain summaries and old exams via the site so that you are even better prepared for your exams
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The Vereniging Studenten Psychologie en Pedagogiek aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam (VSPVU) is the official study association for the studies Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences and University PABO at the VU. We offer study books (with discount for member), sell summaries and make a master guide each year. Furthermore, we organise a lot of activities, like lectures, excursions, trips, travels, a yearly congress, a ball and parties. We are also involved in organising the VU Introduction days. At the beginning of the college year, we organise the Illusie weekend, which is the weekend for first years to get to know their fellow students! It is also possible to join one of the many committees that we have. Do you want to know more about all the possibilities? Then check our Committees!
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The VU ART SCIENCE gallery focuses on the interaction between art and science. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam initiated the gallery, as it encourages the exchange of multidisciplinary knowledge. We call on scientists and artists to participate in this exchange. This is needed to address some of the most pressing challenges we face as a society. The urgency and complexity of today’s issues demand radical concepts which allow us to leave conventional paths behind and explore new directions.
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VU Campus Radio
VU Campusradio produces broadcasts and podcasts for an audience of students, employees, teachers, alumni of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and other interested parties. Do you want to make programs or podcasts yourself? Contact the editors! With a studio in the heart of the VU campus, the StudentenD0k, Campusradio is located right in the epicenter of our university. From the small studio looking out over the campus square, broadcasts and podcasts are produced. These reach an audience far beyond the borders of the Netherlands. VU students abroad maintain contact with their home country via Campus radio and the friends and family of international students who make programmes also listen regularly.
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VU Career Services
Studying is preparing for a successful career. Career Services is here to support you in reaching that goal.
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VU Entrepreneurship & Impact
Entrepreneurship & Impact: an innovation hub that enables entrepreneurial students, scientists, VU alumni and companies to join forces for an entrepreneurial ecosystem. We help students, alumni and businesses to accelerate.
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VU Griffioen
At Griffioen you can unwind! Not only do we have a versatile theatre programme, but you can also come to us for creative courses. In our theatre you will find everything from cabaret to theatre, music and dance, from big names to new talents. In terms of courses, we offer everything from dance to music, mindfulness, theatre, writing, photography, painting and much more. Check the current theatre or course program on our site. We also organise cultural events on a regular basis. Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay up to date!
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VU Introduction Days
The VU Introduction Days are the ideal way to get to know the university, your fellow students, Amsterdam and all you need to know about studying here. Starting university in a different country can make you a bit nervous, but you are not alone. You will embark on this adventure together with about 4,000 other first-year students. You will be divided into a group of fifteen fellow students and two experienced mentors: senior students who already know their way around VU Amsterdam, and in the city of Amsterdam as well. You can choose between a complete programme or the short version of the introduction.
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VU Koor
The VU-koor is a big and diverse Amsterdam student choir. All music-loving students are welcome, regardless of voice type and level of experience. Each academic year, we have weekly rehearsals in order to perform several beautiful concerts. In recent years, we’ve performed pieces such as Petite Messe Solennelle by Rossini, Brahms’s Requiem, the Ceremony of Carols by Britten and the Johannes Passion by J.S. Bach. Our next project is Verdi’s Requiem in March 2022, in collaboration with Delfts studenten muziekgezelschap Krashna Musica.
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VU Pride
Welkom bij VU Pride, het netwerk voor en door LHBTQIA+ studenten en medewerkers van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. VU Pride zet zich in voor een veilige en inclusieve omgeving voor alle individuen van de lesbische, homoseksuele, biseksuele, transgender, queer, intersekse en aseksuele (LHBTQIA+) gemeenschap op onze campus. Ons doel is een diverse universiteit waarin iedereen begrip voor elkaar heeft en tolerant is. We bereiken dit door het opzetten van projecten en evenementen voor mensen binnen de LHBTQIA+ gemeenschap en voor andere geïnteresseerden. Lees verder voor onze aanstaande events, onze commissies, onze prestaties en meer. We hopen je snel te mogen verwelkomen! Onze missie - Werken aan een inclusieve (VU) Organisatie - Community building voor LHBTQIA+ studenten en medewerkers - Zichtbaarheid genereren rondom seksuele en gender diversiteit en kennis over deze onderwerpen maken en delen
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VU Student Well-being
During your time at VU Amsterdam you might need some extra support, on an academic or personal level. VU Amsterdam offers several student counselling services. In this video we will tell you more about some of the services offered. Please never hesitate to reach out to us and note that all conversations with academic advisors, student psychological counsellors and student general counsellors are strictly confidential. Want to know who to contact? Check out our useful infographic for all your questions on student guidance and support. You can also contact the Student Wellbeing Point for peer support.
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VU Sustainability
VU Sustainability
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VU in Beweging
We are an initiative which encourage students and employees to move!
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At WePartyNow, we are dedicated to making your event planning seamless and your parties unforgettable. We understand the challenges you face in organizing and promoting successful club events, and that's where we come in.
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Women in Innovation and Leadership
Women in Innovation and Leadership (WIL) is a student-led NGO based in The Hague aimed at students and young professionals. WIL promotes personal and professional growth, opportunity and gender equality through workshops, networking events, sharing interesting opportunities, and a mentorship programme. Whilst we focus on lifting up women, we welcome all genders. What's our mission? 📈To facilitate personal and professional growth 💪🏼To empower young womxn to feel confident in themselves and their skills 🤝To promote gender equality in all fields 💜To build a diverse community of womxn with different passions and interests 💼To help womxn enter the workplace as powerful individuals who know wht they want and how to get it How do we do it? 👩‍🏫Workshops on personal and professional skills 🫶Mentorship scheme by womxn in the workforce 👩‍🔬Networking opportunities and the Opportunity Platform jobs and internships database
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