Association Details


Particolarte is a student association with a focus on art and culture. If you would like to express or develop your creativity, Particolarte is the place for you! Among other things we offer open mic nights at which our members can show their talents. We also manage committees which organise workshops for different kind of art forms, such as theatre and fine arts. Particolarte even develops a magazine on a monthly basis. For those who prefer to admire the talents of others, every month a cultural agenda is composed. This agenda consists of several visits to concerts, theatres, and museums. In short, Particolarte offers the perfect start to discover the cultural life of Amsterdam. However, of course, we do not always need a cultural purpose to have fun! Every Monday, we have a pub night for members in ‘de Krater’, a cosy bar located at Prinsengracht 181. Also, we organise different trips, both in the Netherlands and abroad. Particolarte is a student association without any hierarchy. There are no rules or obligations. Student members organise everything.