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Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Study Support: (no sweat) pilates
Mindful Stretching
Mindful Stretching
Study Support: True Crime nights x doodling
Study Support: True Crime nights x doodling
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Study Support: (no sweat) pilates
Board Game Night!
LAN Party: Minecraft
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
🧋 Bubbles & Babbles 🧋
RECRUITING VERANO 2024 - Buscamos nuevos voluntarios
UvA Campus Dialogues lunch session #3
Objective Data? The Ways That Gender Bias Can Enter the Data Pipeline
Lustrum: Defending our values? With Minister of Defence Ollongren
ELS Language Cafe: Picnic Edition
Euphoria - The Veiled Affair
Lezing De Jong Marinelife
ELS Language Cafe: Picnic Edition
Euphoria - The Veiled Affair
Lezing De Jong Marinelife
UvA Campus Dialogues lunch session #3
Objective Data? The Ways That Gender Bias Can Enter the Data Pipeline
Guest lecture by Milio van de Kamp – Overcoming performance pressure
Lustrum: Defending our values? With Minister of Defence Ollongren
Historical Pub Crawl - IFA ACE
Rotterdam Student Orchestra (A Romantic Journey)
Summer Concert - ESK Rotterdam
DCA - Dutch Caribbean Association
ESN - Summer Cantus
RSM Entrepreneurship Challenge
🎉 Unlock Your Potential: Growth Hacking Your Summer! 🌞
Freshmen Weekend - Cedo Nulli
ECE - Speed Dating
The Hague - Beach Clean Up (ESN)
Sustainable Committees Clothing Swap
HonEUR - BBQ at Kralingse Plas!
BBQ - Boxing RSBV
ELS - Language Cafe
Summer Concert - ESK Rotterdam
Historical Pub Crawl - IFA ACE
DCA - Dutch Caribbean Association
ESN - Summer Cantus
Rotterdam Student Orchestra (A Romantic Journey)
Freshmen Weekend - Cedo Nulli
RSM Entrepreneurship Challenge
ECE - Speed Dating
🎉 Unlock Your Potential: Growth Hacking Your Summer! 🌞
The Hague - Beach Clean Up (ESN)
Sustainable Committees Clothing Swap
HonEUR - BBQ at Kralingse Plas!
ELS - Language Cafe
BBQ - Boxing RSBV
Busco alguien que me motive a no procrastinar
Avond voor Konijnen
Looking for food, culture and travel lovers!
Looking for a study buddy
Delft Fringe Festival
Delft Fringe Festival
Avond voor Konijnen
Looking for food, culture and travel lovers!
Looking for a study buddy
Busco alguien que me motive a no procrastinar
Encara no tens entrada per anar al Mallorca Live Festival?
Japanese Mini festival
Study Support: Colouring in Sessions
Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Repair Workshop: Sewing Machine masterclass
Study Support: Post-exam hangout
Drink & Draw: Shading edition
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Study Support: Colouring in Sessions
Study Support: Breathwork on the terrace
Repair Workshop: Sewing Machine masterclass
Study Support: Post-exam hangout
Japanese Mini festival
Study Support: Crochet & Knitting Circle
Drink & Draw: Shading edition
Encara no tens entrada per anar al Mallorca Live Festival?
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
🚀 Supercharge your study skills for the upcoming exams with Gezondeboel!
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Casino Night
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Celebrating 10 Years of Maastricht goes Vegan
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Join our Vegan Dinner (10 euro incl. drink)
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
🚀 Supercharge your study skills for the upcoming exams with Gezondeboel!
Casino Night
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Celebrating 10 Years of Maastricht goes Vegan
Join our Vegan Dinner (10 euro incl. drink)
Join the Uni-Life Buddy Program😎
Interview met Femke Halsema, Burgemeester van Amsterdam
Protests, Slogans and Free Speech on Campus
Existential Tuesday: Is society rigged against you?
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Student Associations

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90's Rave
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A.L.S.Z.V. De Blauwe Schuit
De Blauwe Schuit heeft ongeveer 280 leden. De sociëteit, haven en loods liggen ideaal bij elkaar op het Universitair Watersport Centrum in Leiderdorp. Wat heeft de Schuit jou te bieden?Het hele jaar door wordt er instructie gezeild en worden er kampen, zeildagen en wedstrijden georganiseerd. In het zeilseizoen kun je op maandag- en woensdagavond instructie volgen en per jaar hebben we vijftien instructieweekenden en zeildagen. In de zomer kun je ervoor kiezen mee te gaan toeren op ons FF65 kajuitjacht, wat ontzettend gezellig is! Verder kun je altijd een instructeur bellen als je wilt zeilen! In de winterperiode wordt er aan de boten geklust, maar uiteraard kan er dan ook nog gezeild worden. Instructie wordt gegeven door instructeurs en kost je helemaal niets. Wanneer je een brevet hebt behaald, mag je zelf een boot meenemen en instructie geven! Zelf een boot meenemen kost tussen de 15 en 25 euro per dag.Naast zeilactiviteiten worden er ook andere gezellige activiteiten georganiseerd door verschillende commissies. Elke dinsdag wordt er vanaf 20.00 uur geborreld in de sociëteit en kun je ook mee-eten. Daarnaast worden er regelmatig filmavonden, feesten en andere activiteiten georganiseerd! De maand september is de Blauwe Maand. In deze maand maken eerstejaars kennis met alle onderdelen van de vereniging: commissies, zeildagen, feesten, themaborrels, avondinstructie en meer!
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A.S.V. Prometheus
A.S.V. Prometheus maakt het mogelijk om naast je studietijd ruimte te bieden aan je interesses. Prometheus is dé plek om al je nieuwsgierigheid te voeden en vrienden te ontmoeten met dezelfde interesses als jij!Leer iedere woensdag iets nieuws bij de lezing. Van oude Romeinen tot astrofysica en van Geopolitiek tot waarzeggerij, er is altijd iets boeiends!Na elke woensdagactiviteit organiseren we een gezellige borrel.Heb je een hobby waar je graag meer tijd aan wil besteden? Bij onze vele gilden kun je je enthousiasme delen!Ontdek en beleef van alles bij de vele uitjes en workshops die Prometheus organiseert.
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After our first successful edition in Leiden, we are back for more, and of course, with another amazing headliner.
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Bae 2 Bae
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Wil jij meer dan 15 euro per uur verdienen met bijles geven?
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Bumbu x Fish Tapes
Bumbu x Fish Tapes
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Buurman & Buurman
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Caring Universities
Caring Universities offers free online services to improve student’s mental wellbeing. Caring Universities is an initiative aimed at improving students’ mental health. The Mind-Health Check gives insight into the problems students face, so relevant e-health interventions can be developed and offered for free.
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Champion Sound
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D&I + Student Wellbeing LAW
Sinds november 2022 zet de D&I en studentenwelzijn werkgroep (negen studentmedewerkers onder leiding van Coördinator Diversiteit en Inclusie/ Wellbeing officer Susanne Deen) zich in om de thema's diversiteit & inclusie en studentenwelzijn meer zichtbaar en bespreekbaar te maken op de faculteit rechten. Om dit te bereiken organiseren wij verschillende activiteiten, evenementen en trainingen en houden wij ons bezig met het opzetten van meerdere initiatieven. De werkgroep focust zich gedurende het jaar op verschillende projecten omtrent de thema's diversiteit & inclusie en studentenwelzijn. Zo houden wij ons bezig met het organiseren van evenementen voor eerstegeneratiestudenten, het plannen van D&I career events, het opzetten van de woonkamer en het ontwerpen van de feestdagen kalender. /// Since November 2022, the D&I and student wellbeing working group (nine student employees led by the Diversity and Inclusion/ Wellbeing officer Susanne Deen) has been committed to making the themes of diversity & inclusion and student wellbeing more visible and present at the law faculty. To achieve this, we organise various activities, events and workshops and are engaged in setting up several initiatives. During the year, the working group focuses on different projects regarding the themes of diversity & inclusion and student wellbeing. For instance, we are involved in organising events for first-generation students, planning D&I career events, setting up the living room and designing the holiday calendar.
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The first ever women only Drum and Bass event in the Netherlands!
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DWARS Leiden-Haaglanden
DWARS is de jongerenpartij van GroenLinks.
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Dansen Bij
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De Leidsche Flesch
De Leidsche Flesch is the study association for Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Computer Science at Leiden University. We organise many small and large events throughout each week for education, career orientation, and fun, as well as multiple weekend excursions and two large study trips each year.
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Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship
The Delft Centre for Entrepreneurship (DCE), part of Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, is responsible for the provision of educational programs and conducts research programs related to starting new technology-based ventures or entrepreneurial projects within established organisations. The programs are available at bachelor's, master and PhD level as well as several online programs and executive courses. Students from all faculties of TU Delft can enrol in DCE courses. DCE focuses on technology-based entrepreneurship and embraces various research approaches, methods and teaching techniques. DCE currently has 9 full-time faculty members and together with scientists, teachers and entrepreneurs from TU Delft, the tech-incubator YES!Delft, the Innovation and Impact Centre and Delft Enterprises the centre engage engineering students to contribute to the vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem of TU Delft. The activities of DCE rest on three pillars: (1) Education in Technology Entrepreneurship; (2) Research in Technology Entrepreneurship; (3) Entrepreneurial activities in practice. The cross-fertilization of the three pillars is vital to enhancing entrepreneurship education and preserving its quality at the highest level, as well as providing nascent entrepreneurs with the latest developments and insights. In doing so, it is important to engage with experts from industry to obtain the latest insights and share these with students, young entrepreneurs and researchers.
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Digital Nomads
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Disco, disco & disco events at Leidens most beautiful underground locations.
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Diversity and Inclusion Office
We are the Diversity and Inclusion Expertise Office at Leiden University and organise, among others, different events for students and staff on related themes
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Drijvende ijsbaan Leiden
De ijsbaan van Leiden
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Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen (FSW)
Wij zijn FSW! Wij maken Impact op de samenleving en dragen bij aan de ontwikkeling van een werkelijk wereldwijde sociale wetenschap, dat is waar wij naar streven. Op het gebied van culturele antropologie, pedagogiek, politicologie, psychologie en wetenschaps- en technologiestudies doen we toonaangevend onderzoek en bieden we uitdagend onderwijs.
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Faculty of Medicine LUMC
Faculty of Medicine Leiden University
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Fool Metal Jacket 2
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Frisse Gedachtes
Frisse Gedachtes is a student movement that aims to improve student well-being. It does that by offering three free services. Firstly, a chat platform where students can chat anonymously with psychology students and experts by experience. Secondly, the option to be randomly matched to a fellow student in order to be able to go for a walk together. Third, events to make student welfare more open to discussion.
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Frisse Gedachtes Leiden
Frisse Gedachtes is a student movement that wants to improve student well-being. We do this by organizing different kinds of events in Leiden. Our goal is to connect students with each other, make mental well-being a topic of discussion and also contribute to the well-being of students.
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Do you want to work on your mental health in an approachable way? Or would you like to improve certain study skills? Then follow an online program of Gezondeboel! All our programs are designed in cooperation with experts in the field and experts by experience. Students at Leiden University, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, TU Delft, and Tilburg University have free access to a large number of programs via the attached link. Don't hesitate and start building a resilient future today.
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Green Kitchen Leiden
We want to promote a sustainable and conscious lifestyle by fighting against food waste. We collect
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HOST - Leiden
We are ‘Host Leiden’ and we would like to help you feel at home here. We do this by organizing informal events where you can have a great time and meet international and Dutch students. HOST Leiden welcomes international students from all backgrounds. HOST wants to show you different aspects of Dutch culture and give you the opportunity to share yours. HOST is also a safe place where you can share your values, beliefs, and have a meaningful discussion about important questions in our life. Our monthly Host Cafe is free, so you can just show up. Just bring yourself. We also offer personal support. Betty is our staff worker for international students. She is available if you have any (personal) questions. He offers coaching and pastoral care. Feel free to reach out to her! If you are interested in a Christian student group, Host Leiden works in partnership with ‘Radiate’ who organizes Bible studies in Leiden. For more information get in contact with Betty.
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Happy feelings Leiden
Happy Feelings
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Het Konings Feestje
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Hortus botanicus Leiden
Located in the historical center of Leiden, you’ll find the oldest botanical garden of The Netherlands, the Hortus botanicus. This amazing garden has a large collection of plant species from Asia, Southern Europe and South Africa. This is where Carolus Clusius grew Europe’s first big tulip collections.
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Are you looking for an internship? Is it part of your studies? Or do you want to gain work experience and are you wondering which organisation fits best with your preferences? Integrand is specialized in helping students to find their perfect internship. By internships we mean graduation internships, summer internships, but also working studentships! Our focus is on the mediation of internships, which means we will help you through the whole application process! We'll check your CV to see if anything can be improved, provide you with all the tips and tricks to write a convincing motivation letter, give feedback on your first draft and finally help you prepare for your first interview. Are you ready for the next step?
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JSV Liberi
JSV Liberi is the study association focussed on juvenile justice. For everyone with an interest in juvenile justice, in particular masterstudents 'Jeugdrecht' and masterstudents 'Children's Rights
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Kiki Club
De club van Leiden
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L.A.D. F. Kaiser
Leids Astronomisch Dispuut Frederik Kaiser
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LDE CFS Agrifood Hub
In the Agrifood Hub, Leiden University, Delft University of Technology and Erasmus University Rotterdam join forces. Together with partners from the food and agricultural sector, we combine cutting edge scientific knowledge with the day-to-day practice for sustainable food systems. For example, agri-food chains have to become transparent and the sector needs to standardize and financially reward new sustainable values
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LDE Centre for Sustainability students
The Student Board of LDE Centre for Sustainability, comprised of students from the three universities, represents and communicates with Bachelor and Master students of the LDE universities. We aim to incite enthusiasm and awareness about sustainability through hosting social and educational events on sustainability topics. We connect students to a community of sustainability-minded people, prepare students for a career in the sustainability field, and promote the educational opportunities offered by the LDE CfS centre, such as the Hubs and living labs. Our events touch on all aspects of sustainability and range from workshops, panel discussions, company visits, repair cafes, networking events, and movie screenings, held in the four cities - Leiden, The Hague, Delft, and Rotterdam. Events are free and open to all LDE students. To stay engaged and up to date, follow us on social media or join our mailing list and sign up to our events! Through following us, you can watch out for opportunities to get more involved with the board by becoming an ambassador for our community events in December and the summer, or through applying for our open board positions posted every November and May. Interested in collaborating with us or want to know more about the board? Contact us at:
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Leiden English Theatre
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Leiden International Film Festival
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LU -Faculty of Science
Faculty of Science
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La Fête Electrique!
La fete
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Lead Your Future
Wij zijn Lead Your Future: een community platform voor jonge, ambitieuze en talentvolle vrouwen. Wij geven workshops, masterclasses, business shakes en andere evenementen, die allemaal gericht zijn op de ontwikkeling van jong vrouwelijk talent. We are Lead Your Future: a community platform for young, ambitious and talented women. We organise workshops, masterclasses, business shakes and many more events which all focus on the development of young female talent.
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Learning My Way
Our approach guides people to develop as autonomous, healthy, and engaged professionals and citizens. Learning My Way (LMW) interventions and workshops assist participants to discover and shape their own pathway to realize their contribution to the world, discovering their unique talent. Bringing awareness to authentic intentions, LMW programmes also teach participants to act on their insights, whilst remaining connected to their environment. LMW training and coaching supports the participants to be resilient and autonomously deal with adversity and setbacks.
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Learning My Way
Our approach guides people to develop as autonomous, healthy, and engaged professionals and citizens. Learning My Way (LMW) interventions and workshops assist participants to discover and shape their own pathway to realize their contribution to the world, discovering their unique talent. Bringing awareness to authentic intentions, LMW programmes also teach participants to act on their insights, whilst remaining connected to their environment. LMW training and coaching supports the participants to be resilient and autonomously deal with adversity and setbacks.
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Leiden English Theatre
Leiden English Theatre (or LET, as we affectionately call it) is THE English language theatre group in Leiden.
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Leiden Global
Leiden Global
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Leiden Model United Nations
Leiden MUN is an independent, non-profit, student-led MUN programme. We select, train and send different delegations composed of talented and motivated students to the most prestigious Model United Nations conferences worldwide. This year, we'll be sending delegations to Madrid, Harvard and Paris! The Leiden MUN programme is cherished for its extensive Preparatory Track which includes Skills Labs, Mock Sessions, our Personal Development Programme mentoring scheme, and Professional Networking visits to embassies. The skills you'll develop with us include public speaking, lobbying and negotiation, effective research, strategising and self-confidence!
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Leiden United
Leiden United is an international student association motivated to bridge the gap between Dutch and International (exchange) students. For all students interested in meeting peers from other countries and cultures, Leiden United is a great opportunity to make friends from all around the world. Since its founding in 2013, our program has had over 600 participants of more than 60 nationalities! ​For Internationals coming to Leiden, our association is a valuable way to meet new Dutch and International friends and learn more about your new home. For Dutch students interested in people and places abroad, our association is a relaxed way to meet new International and Dutch friends and learn more about other cultures. Every semester we organize drinks, dinners, social activities and parties as a part of our integrative initiative.
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Leiden University
Leiden University
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Leiden University Student Support
Leiden University Student Support
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Leidsche Studenten Alpenclub
De Leidsche Studenten Alpenclub (LSAC) is in 2024 al 100 jaar actief in de Alpen, de Ardennen en de klimmuren in Nederland. Als je LSAC denkt, denk je aan klimmen en boulderen, maar ook aan gletsjertochten, alpiene beklimmingen en huttentochten. We zijn een subvereniging van Minerva, maar ook niet-Minervaleden zijn van harte welkom! We boulderen op donderdagen in een van de boulderhallen in Leiden, en topropen op dinsdagen bij de Klimmuur in Hollands Spoor.
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Maatschappelijk Ondernemend Student
De studenten van Minerva dragen al meer dan 100 jaar bij aan maatschappelijke ontwikkeling, denk bijvoorbeeld aan de Veerstichting en de 3 October Vereeniging. Wij, Maatschappelijk Ondernemend Student (MOS), zijn in het leven geroepen om als studentenvereniging ons steentje bij te kunnen dragen aan de stad Leiden met haar maatschappelijke thema’s. Denk hierbij aan projecten voor jongeren, voor de wetenschap of voor het goede doel. Hierdoor bundelen wij onze kracht om namens alle ondernemende studenten om een nog grotere impact te maken op Leiden en omstreken!
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Meeting Point
The Meeting Point provides assistance for refugee students, first-generation students, international students and students from Suriname and the Caribbean region of The Netherlands. It is a meeting place for students who have recently arrived in The Netherlands and need a little help finding their way within the university.
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Mo Bedick
Mo Bedick
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Orientation Week Leiden University
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Het podium van Den Haag!
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PIP Den Haag
Night Club in The Hague
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Panic Ultimate Leiden
Panic is the Ultimate Frisbee student association of Leiden. With two teams and an active community, we are striving towards improving personal skills and growing as a team. We also have a lot of fun along the way during parties and other social events. If you want to try Ultimate or are already thinking about joining, just come along to one of our trainings!
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Philips van Leyden
NL: Philips van Leyden b.p. (opgericht 15 december 1961) is het dispuut voor Romeins recht en Europese rechtsgeschiedenis van de Universiteit Leiden. Philips organiseert ca. 8 lectio's per jaar over een rechtshistorisch onderwerp, en excursies naar een stad binnen het Romeinse Rijk. Voorafgaand aan de lectio's vindt er een borrel plaats en na afloop is het traditie om met alle aanwezigen uit eten te gaan. EN: Philips van Leyden b.p., Student Society for Roman Law and European Legal History (named after the scholar from Leiden who lived from 1325-1382) was founded in 1961 by mr. Feenstra, professor of Roman Law in Leiden from 1952-1984. We organise lectures (lectio’s) about Roman law and legal history, excursions, drinks and dinners during the academic year.
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Podium Sleutelwoord
Podium Sleutelwoord is een lokaal platform voor jonge makers. Woordkunst, muziek en beeldende kunst krijgen een plekje op ons podium en binnenkort bieden we ook workshops en schrijfavonden aan.
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Rap100 Student Centre
A community centre about life questions, society & sustainability. 🌱 Green kitchen 🧘🏽 Meditation 🎨 Art events 🌳 Retreats
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S.A. LIFE is the study association for students Life Science & Technology (LST). LST was founded in 1999 by a collaboration between Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. The combination of the two universities gave, as often said, “the best of both worlds”: fundamental cell biology in Leiden together with applied biotechnology in Delft. Study association LIFE was founded at the same time as the study LST. Although S.A. LIFE began with only thirty members at the time, LIFE has currently, twenty years later, grown into an association with more than 800 members. It is for these members, consisting of students of the bachelor program or the Leiden or Delft master program, that the study association forms a platform for career, education and social activities.
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SHout Leiden
SHout Leiden is an organization for all young people up to the age of 30 that work, live or study in Leiden and have questions about money! SHout Leiden is er voor alle jongeren tot 30 jaar die wonen, werken of studeren in Leiden en vragen hebben over geld!
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Society College
Society College is an organization that builds a societal reserve to strengthen a country’s cohesion and resilience. We offer life-long learning for people, with the goal of changing the compass of the current labour market. Strategic talent development, matching and retention are not just about career building, but also about a sense of purpose throughout different phases of a lifetime. Society College offers, based on years of experience, a unique program that combines career development with social education and social projects. Starting off with focussing on college students, we offer various programs for 8, 16 or 32 hours per week.
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Stichting Move Leiden
Move zet zich in voor kinderen en jongeren van 10 tot 16 jaar die minder kansen krijgen dan hun leeftijdsgenoten. In onze doorlopende leerlijn van maatschappelijke projecten ontdekken zij hun talenten en welke waardevolle positie zij in de samenleving kunnen innemen. In al onze projecten staat ontmoeting centraal: kinderen, jongeren en studenten ontdekken samen andere leefwerelden en verbreden hun perspectief. Bubbels breken en de afstand tussen mensen verkleint. Move verbindt en verruimt blikken!
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Stichting UAF
Wij zijn een onafhankelijke stichting die de belangen behartigt van gevluchte studenten en professionals. Op slimme en effectieve manieren bieden we vluchtelingen kansen om zich verder te kunnen ontwikkelen op het gebied van studie en werk. We helpen ze op weg met advies, begeleiding, financiële steun en door de inzet van ons netwerk. Bij MeetingPoint van Universiteit Leiden hebben we maandelijks een inloopspreekuur. Hierbij kunnen studenten met een vluchtelingachtergrond informatie krijgen over het Nederlands hoger onderwijs en wordt er advies gegeven bij eventuele obstakels en belemmeringen waarmee zij te maken hebben.
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Studentenbridge Leiden
Studentenbridge Leiden maakt het voor iedere studenten mogelijk om het bridgespel te leren. Dat doen we in eerste instantie met een kick-start cursus van drie avonden. Darin leer je de basis en kun je ontdekken of je net zo door het spel gegrepen raakt als wij zijn. Wil je verder dan bieden we vervolglessen van wekelijks een half uur, voorafgaand aan de clubavond van de bridgeclub PAS waar je dan met je medecursisten die verder willen gaat meespelen. Onze cursussen zijn van een zodanige kwaliteit dat als je er echt voor gaat het bereiken van het Nationale Jeugdteam onder 26 in een jaar of twee mogelijk is. Gewoon gezellig wekelijks bridge is natuurlijk ook helemaal prima.
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