Association Details

ESN VU Amsterdam

Erasmus Student Network VU Amsterdam (ESN) is the international student association of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. We aim to be a platform for intercultural awareness and learning by enabling international students to meet each other as well as local students. We do this by organising social and cultural activities and establishing links with relevant organisations for internationally-minded students. ESN VU Amsterdam is a non-profit association run by volunteers. Our association consists of approximately 30 students who commit themselves to a project or part-time basis. The association is managed by a board of seven members. They run ESN VU Amsterdam on a daily basis and can be found during office hours at the VU University StudentDOK room 0D-02 on Wednesdays and Fridays between 12.45 and 13.45. They also coordinate the three committees who organize the activities, facilitate the PR & marketing and commit to fundraising. Furthermore, ESN VU Amsterdam is also the place you go to for help and advice about your stay in Amsterdam. We can give you advice about the best bars and clubs, transportation, housing and all practical information you need