Association Details

Reclaim the Campus

You probably miss campus and your fellow students a lot. We get that! That's why we’re inviting you to VU Amsterdam from 5 to 8 July for Reclaim the Campus. And no, not online, but actually on campus. During this week, we’ll celebrate the fact that VU Amsterdam can open up further! We’ll be offering an inspiring programme for Bachelor's students that is focused on meeting each other, personal development and creativity. Together with other students, you’ll participate in challenging interactive workshops on a wide range of themes. We’ve listed them for you: cultural diversity, group dynamics, artificial intelligence and beauty, digitalization, personal storytelling, climate change, Black Lives Matter, EU choices and dilemmas. All workshops relate to the question: In what way would you claim and manifest the new ‘normal’ (campus) life? Related to the pandemic, the workshops invite all participants to create new habits, perspectives and rituals towards the opening of a new year in September. There will also be plenty of opportunities to chat with each other dover delicious coffee. You can also get to know student organisations and simply enjoy the campus!