Association Details

Amsterdam Psychedelic Research Association (APRA)

APRA is an interdisciplinary, academic association for researchers and university students based in Amsterdam, focusing on substances and practices that show promise for therapy and scientific value, but that suffer an impaired research development because of their legal status or psychoactive effects. Most notably, this definition includes classical psychedelics (e.g. LSD, psilocybin), cannabis and MDMA. In practice, we aim to: - Provide information to students and researchers about developments in academic research on psychedelics through lectures, journal clubs, seminars. - Diminish unscientific stigma within academia and help normalize the status of education and research in this field. - Promote the start of a concerted, interdisciplinary research effort in this direction within the Amsterdam institutions. APRA does not encourage illegal drug use outside controlled research and medical contexts, and promotes all available harm-reduction strategies.