Association Details

University Student Council (USR)

The council is mainly engaged with the quality and accessibility of the education, and VU policy that affects students. The USR has many competencies: right of consent and advisory on fields of strategic policy, organization, governance, financial support for students and the Student Charter. In this way, we can ensure that the voice of the students shall always be represented within the organization. The council has Public USR meetings where students can join and give their opinion on documents the council has prepared for the USR-CvB meetings. The council also asks students for input in the Presidium (a meeting with all faculty councils) and the UVO (a meeting with boards of associations). Finally, students can give their input by mail, Facebook or Instagram. In addition, the council members try to influence the policy of the university in various ways by consulting with employees and by giving their independent advice. Members of the student council are also part of the Joint Assembly, in which the Works Council (OR) also participates. In this assembly, USR and OR discuss the university budget, annual report and strategic plan. Thus, the USR is always involved in the important decisions taken at the university.