Association Details

Graduation Community Program - 3mE

The Graduation Community Program - 3mE aims to create a cohesive community for graduating master’s students at TU Delft's Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime, and Materials Engineering. It brings you peer-to-peer opportunities for self-management, learning, and improvement to tackle the challenges in your graduation. With a focus on student well-being and success, the GCP offers practical, emotional, and social support through interactive journey sessions. The GCP consists of two main elements: 1. Kick-Off Day The Kick-Off Day marks the beginning of the GCP. In this session, the graduating student groups are formed. Students meet and get to know their graduation group and define their own rules and activities. This session is a great opportunity to build connections that last throughout the graduation period. The program motivates groups to meet regularly and have in-depth conversations. 2. Journey Sessions Bi-weekly, sessions are held on various topics given by different facilitators. For example, sessions on planning or dealing with failure and stress are organised. Graduation groups or students (by themselves) can participate in these sessions and reflect with their peers on their graduation project. The GCP starts every November and March with a Kick-Off Day, for which you can sign up voluntarily.