Association Details

LDE Centre for Sustainability students

The Student Board of LDE Centre for Sustainability, comprised of students from the three universities, represents and communicates with Bachelor and Master students of the LDE universities. We aim to incite enthusiasm and awareness about sustainability through hosting social and educational events on sustainability topics. We connect students to a community of sustainability-minded people, prepare students for a career in the sustainability field, and promote the educational opportunities offered by the LDE CfS centre, such as the Hubs and living labs. Our events touch on all aspects of sustainability and range from workshops, panel discussions, company visits, repair cafes, networking events, and movie screenings, held in the four cities - Leiden, The Hague, Delft, and Rotterdam. Events are free and open to all LDE students. To stay engaged and up to date, follow us on social media or join our mailing list and sign up to our events! Through following us, you can watch out for opportunities to get more involved with the board by becoming an ambassador for our community events in December and the summer, or through applying for our open board positions posted every November and May. Interested in collaborating with us or want to know more about the board? Contact us at: