Association Details

Tilburg Career Days

Tilburg Career Days is an annual campus recruitment event at Tilburg University which offers students and companies the possibility to get to know one another. The 2022 edition will take place on the 14th and 15th, 16th, and 17th of November. We welcome many different companies each year from Google to Unilever and KLM. You can visit the participating companies during the event either at the jobfair or you can join one of their many activities like their company presentations or masterclasses. The event is aiming to cater to all students of the University. As a bachelor student, it can be interesting to get to know companies and have a first glimpse at what your future could look like. Master or third-year bachelor students can go to masterclasses, workshops, or even have one on one conversations with recruiters. This can help if you are either looking for an internship or a job. The event is organized by 8 students of Tilburg University. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions! For more information and frequent updates visit our website or follow us on our social media: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: