Association Details

Erasmus Language Sharing

.We are Erasmus Language Sharing, or ELS in short. We offer the opportunity to learn more about a language and a culture in an interactive way. All our courses cost only €65! This includes costs for teaching material. The reason that we offer classes that are so affordable is our ‘for students, by students approach’. This allows for semi-professionals, who are EUR students and native speakers in the language they coach, to share their language and culture with other EUR students*.We offer courses three times a year; from October-December; from January to March; and from April to June. Dutch French German Mandarin Portuguese Japanese Spanish Swedish Korean Ukranian Each trimester lasts 10 weeks and classes are two hours, once a week. They take place at Erasmus University’s campus. The languages are offered at different levels (‘bases’) that you can sign up for depending on how advanced you already are in that language.