Association Details

Rotterdamsch Studenten Gezelschap

About RSG The Rotterdamsch Studenten Gezelschap is a student association affiliated with Erasmus University Rotterdam. She has been a household name in Rotterdam student life since 1921. The RSG aims to maintain relations between students, to promote the interests of students and to promote the personal development of its members. What makes RSG unique in Rotterdam is that it stands for equality, freedom and traditions. Terms that are very important to RSG in terms of content. Equivalence means that all members have the same rights, there is no difference in prestige between a freshman or senior. As a freshman you can therefore just as easily take a seat in committees or disputes like the other members. By freedom we mean that you are free to organize your own time on RSG. You decide when you come by and how active you are. You are therefore not obliged to be present at certain times during your membership. This does not mean that nothing is expected of our members, but it is precisely the non-binding that appeals to our members, so that they can all commit themselves in the way that suits them best. RSG has been around for almost 100 years and has undergone many developments in that time. Our rich history has led to many beautiful traditions and mores that are characteristic and unique to our association. It is precisely these traditions that make RSG a truly authentic student association and convert the drinks room into a place where the student vibe predominates. What are we doing? At RSG we hold social events four days a week. The bar is then open to all members. This offers a nice meeting place for our members to come together and have a drink. RSG has a 24-hour permit, so the club remains open as long as it is still fun. In addition to organizing our drinks evenings, there is always a big party in our own party room on Wednesday evenings. In addition, during the year quite a lot is organized in and around the association. The RSG has more than 30 committees that ensure that the association continues to run and that organize many activities for our members. All these committees are staffed by the members of the association, which makes it a great opportunity to gain organizational experience. In addition, it is also very nice to create something beautiful with a group of fellow students. Most RSG members commit themselves to one or more of these committees during their membership. Who do we do that for? Anyone who studies at a WO or HBO institution can become a member of RSG and enjoy everything we have to offer as an association. Our members are therefore welcome at all activities that we organize. We are also a real social club, so conviviality is of paramount importance to us. On the other hand, we are also well aware that all our members are students. Completing your studies therefore also occupies a very important place in our association. RSG students often help each other with things they encounter during their studies. RSG is there for its members. A student association with historical traditions and with the freedom and space for self-development that today's students are looking for. Privacy Policy RSG The introduction period in Rotterdam went smoothly: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, five student associations and a sports association have signed a code of conduct to that end. The RSG is one of the signatories. The new code of conduct describes the standards and values ​​that apply during the introduction period. In this way, it offers the associations and their members a clear framework for behavior during the introduction period. For example, the code explicitly states what the association's board of directors entails and what the guarantees are when it comes to personal integrity, health and hygiene. In addition, the code contains the agreement that prospective members must be properly enabled to follow education. Associations must also appoint confidential counselors and report incidents immediately. The code of conduct was drawn up by the official student social associations in Rotterdam (the RSC/RVSV, the Laurentius, the SSR-R, the RSG and NSR) and the student sports association ARSR Skadi, in collaboration with Erasmus University and Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The Rotterdam Committee for Higher Education (Higher Education) Student Social Societies monitors compliance with the code of conduct.