Association Details

Erasmus eSports

.The Rotterdam student esports association was established in 2016 in the library at the Erasmus Campus. As the first esports assocation in Rotterdam we had a lot of ground to cover. In the last couple of years we have grown and managed to get our own location, over 85 active members and establish a footprint on the esports scene in the city of Rotterdam. All these efforts tie down to our main goal; introducing everyone to the wonderfull world of esports! As an association we make sure that there is a good mix of competitive and social aspects. We have our weekly meetings where we play a wide variety of games and catch up with eachother. On the flipside we have our weekly competitions where the best from our association represent us in competitions on national/international level. Besides playing competitions and meeting eachother on our location we also host & participate in events with other organisations from all over The Netherlands! Examples of collaborations are; Dreamhack Rotterdam, LEC summer finals 2019 and world championship viewing parties! Interested? You can contact us on our social media platforms or send us a mail at We hope to see you soon!