Association Details


The ORganisation of RAtional Students is the oldest party on the Central Student Council, with over 44 years of experience. Therefore, we have a lot of experience in dealing with long-term projects based on a clear vision. As Student Council party, we are involved in a lot of different aspects in the universities administrative system. Based on our vision, we focus on three different portfolio’s: Education, Facilities and Student Affairs. The yearly policy of ORAS has to meet the vision of our party. It should be clear what ORAS stands for, who we represent and where we put our focus, no matter our number of seats in the student council. As follows from our vision, ORAS stands for the motivated student who is active in the student culture of Delft and who wants more than study alone. According to ORAS, the “student of Delft” is a concept. Delft distinguishes itself from other cities by its unique student life.