Association Details

Delft Career Platform

Prior to the launch of Delft Career Platform, students in Delft had no unified platform dedicated to offering a quick online way of finding job opportunities tailored to their interests. Internships, graduation projects, and jobs were scattered all over the place, and instead of getting inspired by the job hunt, seeking out the perfect opportunity was a chore. Now, all of these are conveniently collected in a single place, and the TU Delft student is well equipped to connect with industry. The Delft Career Platform empowers the TU Delft, its students, companies, and the entire Dutch industry. Delft Career Platform is run by students from the study associations of Aerospace Engineering, Applied Physics, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Molecular Science & Technology. Previously dedicated primarily to their own faculty, this platform is a prime example of transcending collaboration. This collaboration allows the Platform to cover all interests of all students in Delft and is thus the ideal platform for discovering your passions. Delft Career Platform has internships, graduation projects, and jobs, for all students in Delft.