Association Details

Positive Impact Society Erasmus

What is the Positive Impact Society Erasmus? Most of us want to make a difference. We see what is going on in the world and are moved to do something about it. But working out what that ‘something’ is, let alone actually doing it, can be a difficult challenge. PISE is a response to that challenge. We are the study association at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam for all students who are excited about making a positive impact. We are also part of a global network of 200+ (student) organisations that look at global problems through the lens of effective altruism: an new approach to doing good. Social “Pise is not just a place to learn it is also a place to make friends.” We host fun social activities where you can make friends from all different faculties., and have interesting conversations about changing the world. These include drinks, game nights, sport days, bbq's and trips! Check out our Facebook to see our past events! Educational “Pise is not just a place to make friends it is also a place to learn.” We frequently host events with international experts who tell us about the worlds most pressing problems and their most promising solutions. We also host a number of educational programmes, and have a bookclub!