Association Details

Lijst Bèta

Get the most out of your education Lijst Bèta strives to ensure that all students of the Delft University of Technology can and will get the most of their education when studying here! As a Central Student Council party, it is our responsibility to represent all students in the decision-making processes of the university. Since we are the only official student representational body, as Lijst Bèta we believe that we should use our legal rights wisely, and have the quality of your education as our top priority. We want TU Delft to offer its students education that is challenging, innovative and future oriented. In addition, as a progressive party, we see it as our goal to also take into consideration Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability. In this way we hope that everyone can get the most out of their time at TU Delft. We are also involved with events such as: debates, well-being events, talks etc. We collaborate a lot with study and student associations, especially with DISS (Delft International Student Society).