Association Details

S.V.N.B. Hooke

In September 2012, the bachelor programme for Nanobiology was started. Nanobiology is an interdisciplinary programme where students use fundamental knowledge of mathematics and physics to fully understand the complexity of biology on the nanoscale. Students of this programme get the unique opportunity to experience the expertises of two different universities in two different cities: Delft and Rotterdam. As we speak, Nanobiology has grown into a fully developed study programme: in September 2017 the first Master students have received their degree and are now officially the first nanobiologists in the world. Obviously, a study programme is not complete without its own study association. Therefore the study association for Nanobiology Hooke was founded on November 20 2014. She takes care of students’ interests and has the following tasks in order to achieve this goal. Firstly, the quality of education is one of our main fields of interest. Under the supervision of the commissioner of education, course evaluations are held every octal in order to give students the opportunity to give feedback on the programme. This feedback is discussed with the relevant professors, the board of studies and the programme director. In this way, S.V.N.B. Hooke can monitor the programme and give advice on how to improve the programme. Besides looking after our education, the study association organises multiple activities where students can broaden themselves in order to prepare for a career in the Nanobiology field. Lunch lectures are given by researchers and external organisations and students regularly visit research institutions and companies in order to give them a better view on the field. Furthermore, S.V.N.B. Hooke organises multiple workshops and study trips for her students. In that way, the association forms the key link between Nanobiology students and the field, so that it can also help with finding internships and job offers. Lastly, S.V.N.B. Hooke regularly organises social acitivities, which improve the social cohesion between the students. At the beginning of the academic year there is an introduction weekend where upcoming Nanobiology students can get to know each other and the association in a relaxed atmosphere. During the year, many other activities take place: a members’ dinner, a skiing or surfing trip and weekly drinks in our own bar. These activities provide a break from all the studying and an opportunity to strengthen the friendship between students.