Association Details

FC Tutor

FC Tutor is the student futsal association of Delft. Tired of playing on nearly frozen pitches, never getting the ball as a winger or playing during the valuable weekend days? At FC Tutor we play indoors, 5 vs 5 and throughout the week (mostly on Fridays). With 9 man teams and almost 2 ladies teams, you can easily find the level that suits you best, with trainers that guide you through your first steps as a futsal player or teach you how to play like Pany Varela. The association also offers fixed activities such as Tutor Day at the beginning of the academic year, the New Years Drinks in January and the celebration of Tutor's birthday on the 22nd of May. Apart from that we organise lots of extra activities such as bowling, pooling or ice skating, regularly this comes with the consumption of a sufficient amount of beer. Did you get interested in FC Tutor? Come to one of our open trainings at the end of August or send an email to and ask your questions. Hope to see you around