Association Details

Technologisch Gezelschap

Technologisch Gezelschap (TG) is the study association for all chemical technological programs at Delft University of Technology. This includes the bachelor program Molecular Science & Technology and the master program Chemical Engineering. At this moment TG has around 850 members. The name Technologisch Gezelschap can loosely be translated to Technological society. Since 1890 TG represents and looks after student interests and is one of the oldest study associations of The Netherlands. The association has many old traditions and her own unique character but always strives to be innovative. To accomplish her goals, TG organizes many different activities each year, from excursions to lectures, symposia and a foreign excursion tour. In collaboration with four other study associations in Delft, TG also organizes 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen', the largest technical career fair in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg. Besides more career focused activities, TG also organizes tons of fun activities for students to bond and relax after a hard day of studying. With its own bar ‘Bar het Lab’ TG also knows weekly drinks. Multiple committees work hard to help the board in organizing all these activities. Lastly, TG aims to protect and improve the quality of education for BSc MST and MSc CE. Using committees and a commissioner of education to collect all information and feedback and present this to the education team themselves.