Association Details


IAESTE is an international student exchange organisation that provides students in technical degrees with paid, course-related, training abroad. The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is an independent, non-profit and non-political student exchange organisation. It provides students in technical degrees with paid, course-related, training abroad and employers with highly skilled, highly motivated trainees, for long or short term projects. With over 80 countries involved and exchanging over 4000 traineeships each year worldwide, it is the largest organisation of its kind in the world. IAESTE Netherlands re-estabalished itself in 2011 as a completely student run body. IAESTE Delft followed the footstpes of Utrecht and established itself as a fully funtioning commitee in 2013. It is committed to provide the best technical trainings for the motivated students to more than 80 countries in the world. Apart from providing opportunities, IAESTE Delft also holds the responsibilities to cater to the needs of the international interns who come to the Netherlands as a part of the excahnge. In a nutshell, its ana organization run by the students for the students to help them in their career growth and build professional networks through various events.