Association Details

DSVV Punch

The base of Punch is of course volleyball. Punch is the biggest student volleyball association of the Netherlands with roughly 350 members. Throughout the whole year, there are indoor volleyball practices and one can play in the court. If you play volleyball at Punch you will be in one of the 13 ladies or one of the 13 men’s teams depending on the level at which you play volleyball. Levels vary from beginner (4th Class) to experienced (2nd Division). Punch is more than just volleyball! A lot of activities are organised besides volleyball. We have our own bar which is open each Friday. You can have a beer to celebrate a victory or forget about your loss. Highlights during the year are the PIQ-weekend, the SJIEK-party and the SPOENK tournament. The PIQ-weekend is a weekend organised for the freshmen at Punch. The whole society enjoys a weekend off. You get to know other freshmen as well as all the other members of Punch. The SJIEK-party is the annual prom.