Association Details

Living Room

About us The Living Room is part of the wellbeing programme. It is also a safe space on campus where students can let go of all of their stress and worries, and not study for a while. The space was created when a group of students came together in May 2019, who all had a similar idea of creating such a space on campus. First, from October till the beginning of February there was a temporary space at H12-32. This was one room furnished with leftover furniture that was already on campus. After that, there was a more temporary space on H6-02, designed especially for the Living Room. The space consists of 2 separate rooms, where one has the main function of a typical living room with board games, books, a tv, and a couch and chairs to get comfortable on. The main living room space has a side room that can be used for e.g. mindfulness workshops or drawing sessions. The room is empty which makes it possible to use it for a variety of purposes. The other room is a smaller, more closed room where private conversations can be held, and for example the student pastor holds his walk-in hours. The Living Room board consists of three students, and two EUR employee acting as the bridge between the students and the university. The students all have their own student initiatives as well, which are closely linked to the Living Room. The Living Room is funded by the university, from the wellbeing budget managed by wellbeing programme manager Rianne van der Zanden. The board members are all in contact with the programme manager. All organized activities that take place in the Living Room are related to wellbeing. All linked initiatives are related to wellbeing, but other students and student associations are also encouraged to host events in the Living Room. In order to do so, students must fill out an application form. The board will then decide whether the event fits the criteria for usage of the room; meaning if the event is in line with the vision of the Living Room.