Association Details

Erasmus Sport Personal Training

Erasmus Sport Personal Training, powered by EZsports. Your goal, EZ strategy, our challenge... No human being lives, eats or moves the same. That means that goals will differ too. Whether the focus is on burning fat, improving conditioning, gaining strength, building muscle, rehabilitation, injury prevention, overall health or sport specific training and regardless of figure, weight, age, strength or fitness level, EZsports Personal Training offers a personalized step-by-step(/phased) plan to reach your personal goals together. During the intake we will set goals and perform a health check. Weight, bodyfat percentage, size, blood pressure and heartrate are all possibilities we can measure. This way we decide the current situation and where you want to be. Closing that gap is now our challenge. No matter the goal, at first, we focus on overall fitness; mentally & physically. We pursue these goals by combining effective, variating and motivating workouts with a personalized nutrition plan. It’s our vision for you to be independent, by creating awareness and having insight in training and nutritional principles that match your goal. This will result in you being able to maintain your reached goals and eventually set new ones. Sport specific training Every athlete will benefit from working out in their specialism in a structured manner. After analyzing the sport specific attributes EZsports will fulfill in this need. The program will be built fully in line with the demands of the specific sport. Besides optimal performance (/performing optimal) this will result in injury prevention. Personal Training Introduction Everyone with an Erasmus Sport pass will have the possibility to try out Personal Training, without any obligations, via the PTI. The Personal Training Introduction consists of two sessions; 1 intake & 1 training session. Check out the flyer for additional information. Do you want to find out what Personal Training can do for you? Send an e-mail to to make an appointment. The door is always open if you want to take a look inside. Erasmus Sport Personal Training is situated on campus Woudestein; Hatta-building.